Monday, April 20, 2020


 I've been voicing some concern for the future of our Republic. It has been met by some with derision, by others with skepticism, and still others with, it's Trumps fault. My concern centers around government imposition of rules. We are now being told to stay at home, our businesses shuttered, face covering required. All this in an effect to prevent the spread of a virus. Yes they are common sense practical solutions to a problem. Ones recommended by professionals. Also ones we should all adhere too. I have never said otherwise, although many seem to hear that for reasons I can't explain. But my real concern didn't begin until the government decided that we should start doing this because, " you could, maybe, possibly, might have, be a carrier of this virus. " Yes, the wearing of face coverings is to protect others from you! The key issue with that, and I apparently can't stress that enough, is the reasoning of maybe. If we begin to apply that logic, that maybe this could, would, might, possibly, cause harm to others and applying restrictions on that where does it end? I am being ordered to cover my face and nose to protect you from something I might have! I keep trying to impress that thought upon my readers, I might! What else might I do that could, maybe, possibly, might, has the protentional to, cause harm to you in some fashion? And even if you did get this virus from me over 97% of you will get over it. a good number of you will feel nothing more than a cold and some won't even know they have it! What national precautions were instituted during the AIDS epidemic? What laws were imposed upon the general public to prevent the transmission of that? Ads and infomercials is the answer. But alright, that wasn't a pandemic and couldn't be transmitted by breathing, but you do see my point, right?
 I know this sounds silly to some of you, I'm aware of that. But consider this little bit of trivia. In 1985 the government determined there was a danger to students in schools across America. This protentional danger was from the other students. Yes, it was something that required the intervention of government agencies resulting in regulations being established. But what was this threat to the safety of all the other students? A metal lunch box! That's right, it was decided that a student could use that metal lunch box as a weapon and attack other students! They were subsequently banned. In what can only be considered an ironic twist of fate, Rambo was the last character to appear on a metal lunch box. Violence was his specialty but only if you drew first blood. Remember those large elastic bands we used to hold our books together? They suffered the same fate, too dangerous. The danger being I might, could, possibly, hit you with it! I'm not to be trusted and that is what the message is when government begins to impose regulations upon the general public. You are not to be trusted to do the right thing, so the government will tell you what you will do! Refusal to comply will result in fines and possibly imprisonment. Well unless it's a pandemic violation then they let you out of prison. Well, unless you a sex offender.
 Yes all this does concern me. It's easy to allow our rights to be stripped away when we are being fed a constant stream of death. And isn't that the real message the news is spreading? Yes they report the fatalities, the tragedies, all the stories that tug at our heartstrings. They are scaring people to death! What is the mantra? Sheller in place. Shelter in place because others might, possibly, could have, a virus. We don't know whether they do or not but don't chance it. Everyone must wear a face covering to protect everyone else, it isn't to protect you! No, because if you don't have the virus you can still give the virus to others if you have the virus. You don't know. So what's the solution? We should test every single person on the planet! Until we are positive that no one on the planet has this virus we are at risk. That's what is being said. Well, because I'm wearing a mask to protect you, not me. If I'm wearing my mask, you're not. I can still catch this virus right? Same logic as if you have the gun and I don't, I can't shoot you. You can shoot me though. Is that logical?  

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