Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hunkered down

 I try to listen to the news but find it increasingly difficult. I'm not hearing much in the way of reassurance. It's all gloom and doom. Any mention of a good thing is being presented as an aside. Now I'm not saying the news should hold any information back or downplay the seriousness of this pandemic but I do believe they should offer some hope. I'm not hearing that at all. At least two ministers have been arrested for unlawful assembly. Consider that if you will, unlawful assembly for a religious service. I understand the vast majority of people understand and accept this as a necessary and reasonable precaution to take. That action should be alarming to everyone. The first amendment to the Constitution is being overridden. Why? Because the government has declared a state of emergency and therefore certain " martial " powers can be freely exercised. The question to be answered here is, was this pandemic a completely unexpected and random mutation of a virus or did something get out of hand? I can't bring myself to believe that anyone or any group would bring themselves to unleash this intentionally. Of course the German people didn't believe Hitler and his supporters would be capable of doing what they did. That political party was called The National Socialist German Workers Party. They gained power through promises of prosperity for everyone!  
 It hasn't escaped my notice that the liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries are considered essential businesses. I have to question just why that should be so? Is it as simple as we need to keep the economy moving as best we can. Government is well aware that people will spend their money for booze and dope, pandemic be damned! They couldn't formulate a valid reason for the Casinos however. Ten people at a time isn't going to cut it there. But the government has decided that church services, in the building with your Pastor is not an essential thing. Not even if limited to ten worshippers at a time. No, lock the doors! Martial law has arrived but you won't hear that from government, not yet. There has to be more mass hysteria, more civil unrest, before it will become apparent to everyone. The media is doing their best to bring that about in my opinion. They certainly have made all the sheep nervous.
 Well all I can do is hunker down and wait. This will pass and things return to a new normal. I'm hoping the new normal doesn't include martial law. I get it, the United States isn't alone in this, not at all. This a global thing. The United States is at the heart of the global economy however. Control the economy and you control the people. You want to eat? No matter how this pandemic began I believe it is being used to advantage by a certain political faction. When it comes to money and power there are those that have no moral or ethical compass whatsoever. That has been shown time and again throughout history. How much will be allowed? Get scared enough and you will begin to give up everything and anything, you will be compliant. And that is what those people want, compliance. It's a scary time. I still believe we will come through this alright, I can't allow myself to believe otherwise. 

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