Saturday, March 21, 2020


 I know they say never give a pet as a gift for Christmas. Well, I didn't do that but I got a pet for Christmas. I was presented, that's what you do with a present, present it, Morris the cat. Morris is about four years old and your run of the mill Tabby. He's been neutered and from what I've been told spent a great deal of his time in the local shelter. Now I like Cats and have had them in the past. The last one, Hobo, had been abandoned and I took him in. He was a outdoor cat, but not a feral, and ill equipped for such a life. He didn't stray far from the house. An older cat he passed away one early morning on my porch. I'm not sure of the cause but gave him a dignified burial. But Morris has been cared for, he has been chipped and a medical record. Other than needing a teeth cleaning I'm told by the Vet he is in excellent shape. He's active that much I can attest too. Gets into everything!
 Yesterday the weather took a turn and the temperature soared to over eighty. I opened the windows to welcome spring. Flowers are in bloom, the trees have either bloomed or in the budding stages and a gentle breeze was blowing. I had made some window seats for Morris. He seemed to enjoyed lying on them and looking out at the activity outdoors. Yesterday was the first time he had been on his window seat when the window was open. He seemed to be enthralled by it all. I watched him for a while and he did seem interested. I wondered if he had ever been exposed to the outdoors. Now I don't know how long a cats' memory is but he hasn't been outside since at least December when I got him. I was told he had been at the shelter a while, being older, nobody wanted him. The employees said they had grown used to him and had become a little attached. Like I said, not sure how long a time that was.
 I have plans to build him a catio. Ever hear of that? It's a patio for cats. A Catio, get it. LOL But I rather like the idea. I have a good place for one. I live on the second floor. Below the rear windows of my apartment there is a storage room. It's roof is just a short distance below my windows. Looks like a perfect location for a catio. My landlord will certainly give me permission to do so. The plan is to install a " pet portal " in the window to give Morris access to the catio. I've seen many plans online and read advice on construction and materials. A lot depends upon what the landlord will actually allow. A catio can be as simple as an enclosed window box, like a hot house, or be much more spacious. Depends on the mounting methods. It does have to be secure from the weather and from a running cat! It's a project I'm excited about. More so now that I've seen Morris react to the outdoors. Yes, I intend to spoil him. Well, he already is.
 There are four windows that Morris routinely visits. Three of them have window seats and the other he just sits on the back of the couch. I made two window seats. Made from simple pine boards I did upholster them with two inch foam and a plush fabric in moroon. He will dart from window to window at times when he spots something. I'm guessing he is trying to track the movement. One seat gives him a view out the kitchen window, where he can see downtown. Another is out that back window. one on the uptown side of the house seems to be his favorite. There is a small church next door and he tracks the parishioners coming and going, along with the birds and squirrels in a big tree right outside that window. Lots of stimulation for him there. He sure is keeping a lookout.

  This window seat is one I purchased for him. He likes it but the ones I made were far less expensive. Funny thing is at times he will run and jump up there and it tilts forward. I've seen him crash into the window. He hasn't done that lately, maybe he's learning?  

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