Monday, March 2, 2020

sounds fair

 Just a short thought this morning. I heard that Buttigieg dropped out of the race. It was going to happen sooner of later, he never stood a real chance. The Democratic field of candidates is shrinking and after tomorrow many more will quit. The money will run out. And that brings me to my short thought this morning. I hear Bernie and Elizabeth complaining that Bloomberg  trying to buy the presidency, or at least the nomination. He is spending his own money, over 500 million dollars of it on advertising alone. Is that fair? In our present system it certainly is legal. Nothing wrong with that. It's not unusual for any candidate to speak of their " war " chest. Money will win the war, is the thinking. There is a great deal of truth in that. In the past it newspapers. Yes, candidates would buy space in newspapers across the country to get their message out. Then it progressed to radio and television. Today it is social media! It takes money and lots of it. 
 Well my thought this morning was this. What if we made a law setting an amount of money that could be expended in a campaign. That is to say, each candidate gets exactly the same amount of money to spend. I would think the Democrats would be all aboard that bit of legislation given their penchant for redistributing everything. Truth is I'm surprised they haven't suggested it. All donations go into a central fund, equally distributed to each candidate. That way no one has the advantage of money! You are going to have to win that nomination based on what you say, not what you are able to buy. Any excess campaign funds left after the election goes into the treasury, in the general fund, to be used as the President sees fit in his budget. The process begins again every campaign season. Now that sounds fair enough to me. What do you think? 

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