Sunday, March 8, 2020

fooling ourselves

 The clock has moved ahead, but not my thinking and as a result this blog is being written an hour later. It's five thirty and I've just begun. I don't know what the topic is even going to be yet. Well that's nothing new I often just begin writing and figure out what I was trying to say later. Well that's because I've always enjoyed surprises when reading a book. It's not as much fun when the ending is predictable. Reminds me of a question I posted to Facebook yesterday. Are all ghosts white? I was pleased to receive a few responses. For me it was just a whimsical query without any meaning. It's interesting to hear from those that believe in ghosts and those that are like myself, a complete skeptic. It was pointed out that that question could be taken as a racist thing. It had occurred to me when I wrote it but decided to post it anyway. I really detest this whole PC thing.
 There is a bill in the Maryland legislature to stop doing the whole time change thing. I really don't care one way or the other. If I have to vote on it, I vote yes. I don't see any great advantage to moving the time back and forth an hour. Of course I also believe there are many more important things the legislature could be focusing on. It does seem to me that a great deal of time, effort, and money is expended on foolish things. But there is probably a lobbyist, some one with money or influence behind them. Personal agendas are certainly intermixed with the governing of the state, every state. It's always been that way and will continue long after I'm gone.
 Now I'm reading the opening sentence and that doesn't sound right. The clock has moved ahead but not my thinking. What am I saying? So am I stuck in the past? There are those that will say so. It is usually the ones that are what I call compliant. Yes there are those that will adopt anything new, anything at all, if it makes them appear progressive. Mostly they just want to remain popular and require the reassurance of the majority to validate themselves. That's the way I see it anyway. I am not easily swayed from my opinions. I am also not easily moved from my convictions. Well I see it this way, just because we have moved the clock ahead an hour it hasn't changed anything. That's what I was thinking about when I wrote that sentence. It's a sorta one hour jet lag! The clock now says 6:12 but my mind says it's 5:12. I'll catch up by the end of the week. The calendar begins on Sunday, that's day one. The time advances one hour Sunday morning although we say it is Saturday night. Ever wonder why that is? Sunday is the day the lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it, is a piece of scripture I recall Reverend Davis saying at every service. Rather arrogant of man to take an hour of that day away don't you think? Maybe that is why we say Saturday night instead. Of course, God is eternal so I guess an hour won't matter. Fact is, we are only fooling ourselves.  

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