Wednesday, March 18, 2020


 It will do no good for me to pontificate about this COVID 19 response any further then I already have. I don't have any crystal ball or information about this and what will happen. I hold reservations about the response. But now I'm hearing one response will be to just hand out some cash. I'm certain many people will be thrilled with that. Big brother will take care of us, give us a little jingle. Some will be distracted from the true crisis and content for a while.
 We are a media driven society and they have their foot on the pedal on this one. One would think a Giraffe was going to have a baby. The coverage is nonstop, nonstop gloom and doom. Even politics is getting the back seat these days. Biden will almost silently get the nomination, primaries be damned. In the meantime our whole economy is being restructured, in a way. It is going to have a lasting impression that much is certain. A bi-partisan agreement on a stimulus package? Yes, that would be of benefit to either party. You certainly don't want to be the party that says no or reduce and restrict that too harshly. Throw some money at the problem that'll do the trick. Some estimate the government will have to borrow as much as a trillion dollars! Just who are we going to borrow that money from? That's a question I can't answer, but one that needs to be considered. We hear much talk of Oligarchs, Saudi Princes, Soros and his ilk. Well they are the ones with the money right? If you can instill enough fear in the population. control commerce, and by extension control personal incomes, you are well on your way to controlling the nation. No need for a bloody coup, the population just surrenders. Indeed in the end, the population just flees the nation altogether.
 It is this that concerns me the most. It is something I wrote about yesterday and many seemed not to hear what I was saying. This virus will not last forever. Yes it is a grave concern at this time. The measures the government are taking are a bit extreme in my opinion but an excess of caution never destroyed a nation. The decimating of an economy has.
 It is my feeling that opportunity has knocked and those answering the door are not acting in the best interest of all. There is much to be gained politically and economically for those able to weather the storm. Who are those people? It isn't you and I. I'm not saying it is all a big conspiracy. I am saying there are those that will leverage whatever advantage they have in an effort to gain further control. It wasn't long ago that millions of dollars was spent defending a notion that Russia was somehow interfering, indeed influencing our elections. Millions of people believed that without question, millions still do. A large segment of the population supported impeaching the President based solely on accusations and innuendo. There is little the average American can do in all of this. We are just the pawns in the game.
 I guess what I'm trying to say is best explained by an old saying I read somewhere. It's hard to remember the objective is to drain the swamp when you are up to your butt in alligators. Don't be distracted by this coronavirus pandemic to the point of surrendering your rights or your freedoms. Don't sell out for a few dollars. Do what you feel necessary to prevent yourself for getting ill. If that means isolation, do that. You have to do as the government directs, failure to do so will only result in the stiffing of restrictions. Martial law will be instituted. Much has been said about the division of America. Is the plan now to conquer? To gain control by any means necessary? Sounds crazy doesn't it? I agree it does sound crazy. I'm writing it and can't believe it myself. But let's not forget about history. It wouldn't be the first time a population wakes up to find it is too late. It can happen. It's a scary thought, much scarier to me than any virus. As of this morning the news reports one hundred people have died as a result of this virus. That means .00003% of the population. .00003%! And this is the response? Does somebody know a whole lot more than they are letting on? If not, explain this response.

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