Friday, March 13, 2020


 This is an amazing time. A new strain of the common cold has virtually caused worldwide panic. What with all the hype we are hearing, the closing down of everything, I have to wonder, what is it that is not being told? Now I'm not one to panic, to get all excited about this sort of thing, but just what the heck is going on? It is becoming a global event. I'm also not much of a conspiracy theorist so I don't believe this was orchestrated. That leads me to believe that this COVID19 was somehow introduced accidently. The struggle now is to contain it without exposing who, what or where it originated. Presently Wuhan China is being blamed. Interesting that Wuhan is also at the center of financial markets, at least as far as production of goods that is. Interesting too that China recently agreed to trade agreements that were not to their liking. But like I said, I'm not much on conspiracies.
 So having established that I'm not really a big conspiracy guy I will say this, I believe people are opportunistic! I do believe this outbreak, or accidental release is now being used by certain groups to their advantage. Yes, certainly those same groups have fears of their own, they are subject to infection along with the rest of us, but that doesn't mean you stop planning for the future. That doesn't mean you can't utilize this fear as a tool. Here in the good old USA it's election time. What is one group that is being told they are especially vulnerable, that they should stay at home, take extra precautions, avoid any social contact? That would be the same group that is the largest voting demographic in the nation! I have heard talk of having elections by mail in ballots! Imagine the opportunity that would present. Of course first the postal service has to figure out a way to mail all those ballots, without human contact to avoid the spread of disease. Will our mail carriers have to be dressed in suits, with respirators to collect those ballots? I believe Biden has already been assured of the Democratic nomination. No campaigning except by the media. I don't believe it is a conspiracy theory that the main stream media is being controlled by the " progressive liberals " in this country. Have you noticed that group has turned a bit sour towards poor old Bernie?
 Personally I don't believe this will last very long. Extraordinarily, a vaccine will be developed in record time. That may be because certain scientists already know exactly what this virus is composed of. Still we have to go through all the motions to lend credibility. It was only a week or so ago that we heard there was no test for this. That was quickly followed by a lack of test kits. Now we are testing people in drive up lines! It now takes 24 hours to get test results, the news people are talking to an expert that says that will be reduced to three hours in just a few days. It is projected that soon, every hospital in the United States will be able to test for this! Extraordinary indeed!
 Now I said I'm not much of a conspiracy guy and I'm not. I do think about possibilities however. Consider this. If you were developing a biological weapon of some type, would you also develop the anecdote? Yes, it would seem like the reasonable thing to do to me. After all, I don't want to kill my own people. The only problem being you have to develop that biologic first, you know, to test it ands see if it works. Would you have that anecdote at that point? I wouldn't think so. Simple logic says I have to have the product before I can develop a counter to that product. Despite all the hype and explanations we are hearing from the experts on television, this virus is really not much different than the virus that causes the common cold. Do we have a vaccine for that? Do we have a cure? The answer is no. Is that what has possibly been weaponized? Is that the panic?    

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