Saturday, March 28, 2020


 Yesterday was my daughter in laws birthday. She had plans to celebrate, it being her 40th, but those plans, of course, were canceled. She also had a cruise canceled just a few weeks back. So, no spa day, no going to the melting pot, and no cruise. She just gets to continue going to work. Yes, you could say that's a good thing, something to be thankful for, she is an essential worker. Not being one that stays at home  a lot anyway I'm thinking she is grateful to go to work, We have had a few good days weather wise but it is early in the year for yard work. She wouldn't enjoy being in quarantine at all. I'm certain there are many who had birthday celebrations canceled, plans changed. In the big picture it is a little thing, a minor inconvenience. 
 In an effort to brighten her day the wife and I decided to cook her some dinner on the grill. The weather was warm and we fired that grill up. It was ready for her when she got in from work. We were not there having socially distanced ourselves. It's not that we are so concerned, it's that they are. By they I mean my son, his wife and grandchildren worried about us " old " people. It's true that they come into contact with far more people than we do during the course of the day. That was true even before this virus arrived. A Facebook posting from her saying that she enjoyed the meal and was made to feel special is all we needed anyway. This is an unusual time, a strange time really. We have never experienced anything like this in the past. Businesses closed and the government telling us to stay at home. Never did I expect to hear that in America, maybe some socialist or communist country, but in America? Turns out a virus doesn't give a hoot about politics. They are equal opportunity! 
 I've mentioned this before and I will repeat it here. I still believe there is something more to this than is being told. World governments are keeping a secret of some type. Perhaps it is for the best. I do believe there are some things that are just none of your business. If there is nothing you could do with this knowledge, in a constructive sense, you probably don't need to know. If the knowledge being withheld is causing you no injury do you need to know? Probably not. Yes we all think we have an absolute right to know everything, it's a natural thing to feel that way. Still there are times and things that we just don't need to know. When knowing that would do nothing but make the situation worse, more volatile or dangerous. you don't need to know. When we elect our officials we choose them to make decisions. True, those decisions are supposed to align with our wants, needs and wishes. But they are entrusted with certain powers as well. Among those powers is to act in a manner consistent with good judgement. They are expected to display good judgement. It is possible that good judgement dictate certain knowledge be withheld. Indeed isn't that a portion of the allure of leadership. having that inside knowledge. Yes, it's a good thing when you have it, just not when someone else does. I won't lose any sleep over any of that. I'm just leaving it at that, there is more to this than we are being told. 
 I can't speak for anyone else but I haven't missed any sport or entertainment figures. I hear some celebrities are live streaming concerts and such from their homes. Well that's nice of them. I'm guessing if your livelihood  depends upon staying public that is important. Don't take that wrong, I think it is very nice of them to do so. The public in general are quite fickle. You can easily be forgotten. I'm hoping this serves as a bit of a reset. Perhaps more people will come to realize just how nice we have it in America. This could shift perspective a bit. Sadly though I don't think it will. As soon as possible we will return to business as usual. When this passes we will all be " survivors. " There will be tee shirt sales and toilet paper jokes. The results of the November election will be the next big thing in my estimation. There will be a pandemic of emotions! We'll just have to wait and see. 

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