Thursday, May 21, 2015

What's the alternative

 It does little good to ask the questions, if you can't decide upon the answers. That is a major problem in this country right now. Everyone is questioning everything, not a bad thing in and of itself, but answers are not forthcoming. At least the answers that prove to be uncomfortable or inconvenient are not. Those are the answers we seek justification for. One popular method of doing that is to legalize whatever behavior is currently in question. If it is legal, it isn't wrong ! Right ? Wrong, being legal does not make it moral. Just because it is legal that doesn't make it right. Being legalized is an attempt at justification and a form of forced acceptance. The intent being to suppress opposition to the action and in essence enforce a different standard of moral behavior. That is the goal of a dictator, state the law and the people comply. Fortunately we live in a constitutional republic where the voice of the people is the ultimate power. Our problem begins when we listen to the wrong voices. The voice we should be listening to resides within ourselves. We are born with that voice. James Monroe knew that and even included that fact in the writing of the constitution. Today, too many are listening to the voices of others, others with agendas of their own. Call it political correctness, call it being enlightened or call it whatever else you please, too many are just repeating the logic and rhetoric they hear on television and social media, their thoughts not their own.
 Christianity is on the decline in the United States. The research proves this out. With this decline there is a correlation to a rise in " traditional " immoral behaviors and practices. Gambling in the form of lotteries and casinos. Children born out of wedlock. An increase in the use of drugs both legal and illegal. Homosexuality and bisexuality being portrayed as " normal " behaviors. And I would say in general an abandonment of a basic rule, do unto others. It is okay to do unto others if it benefits you and you don't get caught at it ! The reason for this decline is a simple one, we don't like the answers. It is an inconvenient truth. But further than that is the removal of fear. Without fear we make fearless choices. Sounds like a great idea doesn't it ? The fact is, it can get you killed. Man requires fear to survive. That is a simple fact. Christianity teaches us that there is more than this world and our actions here determine that future. That is the inconvenient truth that many wish to avoid. They do so at great risk.
 To take a more pragmatic approach the data supports Christianity as a social compromise. There was less crime and more social order when Christianity was widely practiced. In short, most agreed upon the answers. The questions were still being asked and growth occurred. Now when the answers are not forthcoming a degenerate effect is being felt. It is not a belief, it is a fact. The abandonment of a moral code, and that in essence is what Christianity is, without a replacement surely leaves a void. What is replacing Christianity ? That is the question you should be asking ?

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