Friday, May 1, 2015

A new day

 It is the first of May twenty fifteen .How did that happen ? There are moments when realization sets in and you are taken aback. For some reason that happened to me this very morning. Just how did it get to be twenty fifteen ? Saying it outloud make it real. Sure, it has been twenty fifteen for four months already, but it being May seemed to make a difference. Is this feeling some sort of omen ? Do you believe in omens ? I think of an omen as a bad thing. That is not necessarily true, omens can portend good as well. I'm not getting a feeling of future events so then it wouldn't be an omen would it ? I have more of a feeling of what was, then what will be.
 I'm thinking this may be connected to what is happening in Baltimore and other cities across the country right now. It may have something to do with the argument taking place before the supreme court. That this is a period of significant social change cannot be denied. The fact that I am now in the " senior " category of citizens isn't lost on me either. It can be unsettling to realize that changes may be coming in the basic way we do business in America and my way will be the old way. My way ,or your way, of doing business being discarded as incorrect ! That hurts.
 I do believe as we age changes are increasingly difficult to accept. There are only two responses to it. The first response is resolution. To just give up,remain silent and " take your medicine " as the saying goes. The second is to voice your opposition to these changes. Many times however the " older " voices will not be heard. Worse still is when the older voices are just discarded as background noises and ignored completely. When we are no longer viewed as relevant. It is almost as though it is an acknowledgement that our future is not as long as the younger members of society, and therefore unimportant. Or is it that we have had our turn, and now it is yours ? In either case the feeling isn't a good one.
 Often the argument being used to facilitate these changes is, it is a different time now. Yes, the time is different. I would argue that human nature however is not different. People still want the same things as they always did. The only difference in time is the way in which time is viewed. Modern man, the young that is, are impatient creatures. That has always been so, the eagerness of youth. The young do not want to listen to the elders, the ones possessing the wisdom that only age can provide. The young will press for change. What we are seeing in Baltimore and other cities now is the young advocating for the removal of authority. The " Police " are the problem in their view. The police are responding to the actions of the young and they don't think it is " fair. " Sounds like a old familiar complaint to me. The old, I didn't do anything wrong gambit. The cries of we need reform ringing out. The truth is, in some cases, it is the perpetrators that need to be reformed !
 I expect every generation feels this way at some point. It is this feeling that brings about that wisdom of age, to those that are paying attention anyway. I am beginning to understand more fully, and on a deeper level, the words of my grandparents and even those of my parents. You know it almost as though they have seen this change before. Well, who knew ? Twenty fifteen ? It is a strange new world we live in my friends, but this too shall pass. 

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