Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

 This being Mother's day my thoughts naturally turned to my own Mom. I thought, what could I say about Mom that hasn't already been said ? There just isn't much left to say, now is there ? And there aren't enough words to say it. Mom gave me life. And that is just the beginning of the story. I've known her for almost 62 years now, a tad more if you count being in the womb. We have gone through a lot together, birth was a little traumatic, but Mom has tried to keep me calm ever since. She has been there for me whenever I called. Even when she was momentarily forgotten, or underappreciated, she was there. Mom, a constant presence. I am a part of her and she is a part of me.  As I sat and thought about Mom I looked at the pictures on my wall. One of my favorites is two Moms. Agnes and Lucy. Agnes is Mom to Lucy. They are my Great Great Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Now Agnes would have been 66 years old on the first mother's day and Lucy 34. Great great Grandmother Agnes had eight children. Lucy was mother to three girls. Her own daughter Clara, my grandmother, passed shortly after my father's birth and Lucy became mother to him. Yes, Mom's are like that. Mom's know no generation or time. They just love. I could sit and count the number of descendants from Agnes and Lucy but that number is not important. Agnes had a mom too.
 Her Mom would wait for her husband to return from whaling. So, even though we may think of it as a more modern thing, her Mom, Sarah Ann, had to be Mom and Dad to Agnes and her three brothers.
 Now my own mother's mom came here from Sweden when she was fifteen years old. She was dispatched to care for a sick aunt. Long story short, she had ten children of her own. She had three of them before Mother's day became a holiday and seven afterwards. Three children before 1914. We tend to think of 1914 as ancient history, but it really isn't. It was world war one. Grandma had seven girls and five became mothers. Her three sons all married what would become Mothers. And, as the Bible might say, Mother's begat Mother's. They also begat Dads. Yup, you would have to say Mom's play a pretty important role in the world.
 So today was declared Mother's Day by Woodrow Wilson in 1914. It is fitting that we should have such a day. It really should be everyday. We say Happy Mother's Day. We should all be happy ! I say, thanks Mom ! 

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