Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A different time and place

 It is a different time. You hear that phrase used  to explain our actions. There is no denying the validity of the statement, it is a different time. In thinking about that this very morning I wondered just what is different about this time, this time being the present day. I would say that at some point in my lifetime we all began to become a little more defensive, a little more frightened of the world. And by the world, I mean our fellow man. There is a lot more distrust today than there was fifty years ago. Not to say that it isn't warranted, but it is more evident. Some would say we are not as naive as we once were. That claim can be made and it is valid. We are certainly more generally informed about the character of man. It is that " reporting " that we see on the evening news and in the last decade or so,on social media. It is that " reporting " I believe that has lead us to this place we are now.
 The news was reported fifty years ago that is true. It's primary means of distribution being the newspaper and television. Both of those mediums exercised a great deal more " censor " than they do today. The content and method of reporting has changed drastically over the years. There are no forbidden subjects today and no one is untouchable in the news. Even the images we see are more plentiful and graphic. Is it any wonder we have become, if not frightened, leary ? For children this world is a scary place fraught with danger. They are taught that from birth ! Adults are not to be trusted, the police are not to be trusted, other children are not to be trusted and teachers are not to be trusted. Just who can you trust ? Some are even being taught to not trust in God ! And that is why the attitudes that we see exist. It is survival mode. You can see evidence of that in the television shows being aired and the movies being made. There is no more Spin and Marty or Nancy Drew, no more good vs evil and good always wins. Oh, it is a different time.
 When we begin with the assumption that we must be on our guard, at all times, our interactions with others will be different. If we are not with those that are to be " trusted " we are then coming from a different place as well. It is something I have noticed in my everyday interactions at work. A friendly smile or greeting on my part is often met with either no response, or one of a guarded nature. This is especially true with the younger crowd. Those of my generation or older react in a different fashion altogether. Generally speaking they will reciprocate in kind. I can only assume it is a product of their upbringing and the social climate in which they were raised. Yes, I think we ( my generation and before ) are a different breed of turnips. Naive and too trusting ? I wouldn't say that but prone to giving the benefit of a doubt. Often shocked by what society does today but that is true of each generation. Man is continually adapting.
 I was fortunate to be raised in a place and time that was far more gentle than it is today. The attitude was also different. I was taught to be a bit more trusting and to have faith in my fellow man. Yes, I knew there were bad people out there that would do bad things to you. I wasn't bombarded with all the negative however, it was balanced with the good. Wrongdoers were punished, if not by law, by society as a whole. Your reputation was a vital aspect of your acceptance into society. It was not easy to remain anonymous back then, no facebook or twitter accounts to hide behind ! Was I just a country bumpkin ? On one level you could say yes. Still I joined the Navy and went off to see the world. I have managed to survive all these years despite that country raising. Was I ever taken advantage of ? Certainly. Do I have regrets ? None.
 There are many factors that influence this attitude of today. The least of them is not the media. In my opinion it is just too much information. Do we really need to report each intimate detail of every bad event that takes place ? I understand it is this reporting of the juicy details that drives the ratings. The ratings drive the revenue. Nothing new about that. What has changed is what the news people are willing to " sell. " There is little that they won't write about. Consider this, during his presidency how many were accusing Kennedy of infidelity ? Compare that to when Clinton was president. How many knew the FDR was crippled ? Today they would have his x-rays on the evening news. In fact they did have the x-rays from Clinton's prostrate on the news ! When I was a kid they wouldn't have even said the word prostrate ! That is the type of thing I am talking about. I believe it is this constant barrage of " reality " that is the primary cause of today's societal attitude. Consider the " reality " shows themselves. Are they real ? I don't think so, but they are portrayed as such, they are even called that ! And just what behaviors are shown in this shows ? So that is what the world is like ?
 The removal of trust in your fellow man, combined with the removal of faith can only lead to the destruction of that society. We can see that degenerative effect right now. Examples abound if you just look. I just feel that it is better to have high hopes and experience an occasional disappointment than the other way around. It can be a depressing situation.

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