Sunday, May 24, 2015

What do you think ?

 What do you think about the Uniform Holidays Act ? It was signed in 1968 but didn't take effect until 1971. It's stated purpose was to establish  more three day weekends for Federal employees. In other words, to benefit government employees. Well sir, I don't like it. Didn't like it back in '71 and still don't like it in '15. I guess you could say I am a traditionalist. I don't like the government reassigning holidays to suit their wants. Let the chips ( holiday ) fall where they may I say.
 I do think this reassignment of celebration somewhat diminishes the focus. I mean, look at tomorrow for instance. What is it that we are celebrating ? Yeah, and how many reminders do we see that it isn't national barbecue day or the " official " beginning of the season. The official date is May the thirtieth. that date was chosen by General Logan as Decoration day because no major battles during the civil war occurred on that date. Now it is just the last Monday in May. The reason, it is more convenient. A reflection of our priorities ? It has been that way since 1968.
 Now don't get me started about Sundays either. I am a big supporter of the " blue " laws. I'm sure some of you remember those. I think it is a fine idea and a fitting gesture. Oh I know the religious connotations behind these laws but what is wrong with a day of rest ? I mean no one ever came and forced you to go to church ! At least not since the Puritan days anyway. Social pressure may have influenced some to attend for appearances sake, but what harm did that cause ? In my opinion might do some of these heathens some good ! I do believe it gave the workers something to look forward to. If nothing else, it provided a time for family. Mom and Dad didn't have to go to work and no " activities " were scheduled for that day. No sporting events or other things to distract. You might say it forced us to spend time together.  It did afford us the opportunity to refresh our spirits. It is my thinking that is some of what is missing in society today.We just need to slow down a bit, take a day off and relax. I believe we are forgetting how to even do that !
 I just believe that dates were chosen for a reason. Certain things happened on certain days, or in the case of Memorial Day, events didn't happen. I believe those dates should remain observed not shifted to be convenient. I realize all that I say was said in 1968 and has been ever since. Once my generation passes, I expect silence will follow on this topic. The actual dates and events are in jeopardy of passing along with my generation. They will just fade into three day weekends. The only thing keeping those dates alive will be the opportunity for commerce. What items can we sell in conjunction with this ? What " sales events " can we promote ?
 I say let's repeal this Uniform Monday Holiday Act ! Let us return the celebration where they belong, on the day they fall. When our soldiers and sailors died in battle they didn't wait for the weekend ! Let's reinstate the blue laws. One day of no commerce and a day of rest for the workers can't be a bad thing. Doing these things may refocus us as a nation. We should be UNITED it is in our name. These things promote unity. This uniform holiday act and removal of the blue laws has led to division. It is keeping our families apart. That's what I say. What say you ?

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