Friday, May 15, 2015


The last few years I have found myself drawn to the mountains. This is a strange thing considering who I am. I was born on an island and spent twenty years in the Navy, you would expect I would long for the sea. I do, on occasion feel that attraction, but the mountains seem to be calling. I know little of the mountains and that way of living. I never was much of a hunter or outdoorsman, as they call it these days. Still, I feel drawn to the mountains and an image of life that probably doesn't exist I'm afraid Hollywood and television may have implanted a false notion or two in my mind. I would like to find out though.
 I expect, like a lot of folks I dream of having a log home on the mountaintop. A mountain stream to fish in and woods to roam. The neighbors are far away and I am isolated from the world. Not too isolated however, I can easily reach town or a hospital. My cabin has a large fireplace to keep me warm. Well, I'd use that when the electric went out and my backup generator failed. I mean, you have to have the Internet for God's sake ! I'm not grizzly adams. But I do find myself longing for a bit more freedom. More of a freedom from government than anything else. Unfortunately this independence isn't free. It would take a good bit of financial freedom to live that experience. Well that is what the lottery is for, dreaming without expectation. Yes, dreams do come true, but not very often.
 I believe I would be happy up on a mountain somewhere, just me and the misses. I am not much for shopping,going to the movies or in general, going out anywhere. I do not think I would miss any of that. I do like to fish but hunting is another thing altogether. I am not opposed to it, just seems like a lot of unnecessary work to me. I can see myself wandering through the forest carrying a rifle for protection, but not really wanting to shoot anything. I'm not sure what I would spend my time doing really. I mean, you can only fish for so long. Just living on a mountain sounds exciting but I guess it could get old. That and it will get cold. Then cabin fever may strike. Funny but I don't think that would be an issue for me. As long as I had food to eat,books to read, paper and pen and the internet; I'm good. I don't need television, I could do without that entirely. I would like the news and the internet would provide all that I wanted to know. Of course I wouldn't know whether it was true or not, but that is no different than watching FOX news.
 I am being drawn to a different dream. There was a time I dreamed of going home. After many years I have come to realize that you can't go home. Home is in the past and unless things change drastically, time travel just isn't possible. Home is not a place, but a memory. And so having come to realize that I find myself drawn to another illusion. The only difference being it is a possibility. I have never lived on a mountain or in a cabin. That experience may lie in the future. And the future holds many possibilities. The fact of the matter is, it is possibilities that drive us forward. Maybe I will win that lottery one day and give it a try. It's a possibility. In the meantime I have my memories to keep me refreshed. Memories are the drink of water on the road of life. In a strange way they are the only reality, they are what was. We can't know what is to be.     

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