Tuesday, May 12, 2015


 How much are we going to allow as a matter of convenience ? It is that very reason I see used to justify the changing of law, the way we treat each other and the way we do business. It is easier. It is more convenient to allow than to correct or enforce. This attitude will lead to the eventual demise of good law and order. How inconvenient that will be ! But let us not worry or think about that right now, that takes effort.
 Consider the marijuana situation. It is being legalized for convenience and for profit. It is too difficult to enforce the law. How many times have you heard that ? It is taking law enforcement officers away from their job. Isn't their job enforcing all laws ? Apparently not, only the ones that prove convenient. But pot has medical uses. So does a myriad of other drugs. Drugs that require a prescription. That seems inconvenient, why not just legalize them all. That way, no prescription required, now that's convenient ! But it is not pot I am really concerned with, it is the logic behind the whole deal.
 How about another situation justified by this logic. The unwed mother, or any woman that doesn't wish to give birth. I mean, how inconvenient is that ? To have to raise a child ? We can just abort it. Now, that is a convenient solution isn't it. We eliminate the requirements for the women's health to be in jeopardy, or any other consideration, other than convenience. Well using birth control or " gasp " abstaining altogether may prove to be inconvenient. We can then justify the action as being a " right. " Taking a life because of inconvenience seems justified doesn't it ? I get to choose. It is my right.
 There was a time in America when business was suspended on Sundays. That allowed time for the shop owners and workers to attend church services, if they wished. Well turns out it was an inconvenience to those that wanted to shop. Those laws were either modified or eliminated altogether. So now we can have all commerce,all the time. Now that's convenience. Never mind those people that have to work during that time, they can change their schedules or just find another job !
 We have reached a point in time when we need to screen passengers before boarding airplanes. Now that is an inconvenience, but everyone agrees a necessary one. Well, sorta. You can get a pre-screen pass or some such thing that removes that requirement if you fly frequently. You know, to make it more convenient. Those that don't fly often can be inconvenienced, that's alright. It is okay as long as it doesn't happen often. That's because frequent travelers would never be terrorists or suffer mental issues.
 Today it is all about speed and convenience. If it can't be done fast and with minimal disruption we avoid it. Isn't that why we carry credit and bank cards ? Just swipe and go baby. We say that it is for safety but really it is for convenience. Disregard the fact that there are fees associated with that, Consider the stuff we take with us on an outing. Depending upon the location and the length of the stay it may include, chairs,cooler,umbrella,blankets, a wagon for carrying it all along, with our smartphones or tablets. We expect clean restroom facilities everywhere we go. We expect trash receptacles, conveniently placed close at hand. If they are not we throw our trash on the ground ! Too inconvenient to pick it up and take it with us.
 That is my mini rant for this morning. I become upset with those that think everything should be provided for them. Those that feel any inconvenience is a personal affront to their freedom. If we don't change that attitude just how will we all get along ? There are times the things we do are inconvenient. That is not always justification for changing them. There are times when I feel " put upon " just being polite ! I try not to change though. It would be easier to just tell you what I think but that would be an inconvenience too. It would only add to the problem.

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