Monday, May 25, 2015

A solemn obligation

 A solemn obligation. That is what those that defend our freedom pledge.That is what they agree to. On this Memorial day let us be aware no soldier ever gave his life. It was taken from him ; violently. He fought to keep it with his last breath. It was not a sacrifice : sacrifices are offered. Their lives were taken. It was a duty,a promise fulfilled, that solemn obligation kept.
 History tells us that the beginnings of this special day of remembrance began in Charleston, South Carolina following the civil war. Two hundred and fifty seven Union soldiers had been placed in a mass grave. The grateful " former " slaves exhumed those bodies and gave each and every one a decent and proper burial. Their debt of gratitude satisfied, they gathered not to mourn, but to celebrate ! For as George Patton put it, " it is foolish and wrong to mourn that such men died, rather we should thank God that such men lived. " That is the sentiment that should be expressed. That is what we celebrate. We celebrate not that which was lost, rather we celebrate what was gained.
 When our children ask us why we celebrate memorial day that is the lesson that should be taught. We are grateful for our freedom ! Just as those freed from the bondage of slavery celebrated their freedom, so should we. The sentiment is the same. We should be thankful that such men lived. We must never forget those that fell so that we can stand ! Did they want to die ? Of course not, that goes without question. So why would they go to war ? That is the question you should ask yourself on this day.
 War and the fighting of it is a young man's endeavor. The spirit of youth is what drives their actions. It is only with the hopes,dreams and aspirations of the young that wars are won. Why do young men go to war ? The answer is as varied as the reasons for the war itself. Some go for glory, some go for God and country. All go for an ideal, their ideals. Even though they are aware of the possible cost, they will risk all. All feel an obligation, a solemn obligation to do what is asked of them. The motivation for answering that call is not as important as the act itself, and that is the idealism of youth. It is that spirit that we celebrate. We celebrate the benefits of their actions, regardless of their motivations. A noble deed or the acts of the young and foolish ? Old men in their wisdom will debate that forever, The wisdom of age was only gained by the efforts of the young and that should not be left out of the discussion.
 As we remember those that died in the various wars and conflicts keep in mind their average age is less than twenty five. Just young men not yet in the prime of life. The prime of our lives is generally thought to be in our thirties and forties. We tend to think of them as old soldiers. That is only because we have lived to be old ourselves. Their deaths seem so long ago, even when their death was not. It is only when we have lost one close to us that our thinking changes. It is then that reality stares us in the face. It is then that we too must struggle with that solemn obligation. We must remember that soldier fulfilled his obligation, We must do the same. To honor their memory. That, is our solemn obligation. 

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