Sunday, April 5, 2015

Today and everyday ( An Easter sermon )

 Socrates famously said, " The life unexamined is not worth living. " This is the statement that came to my mind this morning as I contemplated the day. It is Easter and I believe the day Christ was risen from the dead. His life has certainly been examined and most assuredly a life that was worth living. In fact it is because of his life that my life has meaning. I will not be defined by my faith, but rather by my words and actions. It is the example of the life led by Christ that is the model for those words and actions. That is not to say I am successful in that attempt, but I am aware. I find myself examining my life constantly. The older I become, the more critical the examination has become,more questions being asked.
 Socrates was a philosopher that questioned everything. It was his method to call into question every little detail and premise. He was concerned deeply with moral behavior. It is that belief that led him to make that statement, " the unexamined life is not worth living " in response to a court proceeding. He was placed on trial and asked if he would remain silent. He was given a death sentence for his failure to agree to  do so, and he remained stoic in the face of that sentence. Jesus Christ did the same.
 In Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 9 it is written, " Only take heed to yourself,and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life, and teach them to your children and grandchildren. " Is that not saying, self examination ?
 I think that is something that we all need to practice more, self examination. That is especially true when it comes to moral behavior. We inherently know right from wrong. It is only when others convince us otherwise that we stray. The serpent in the garden is the first example. More so today than any other time in history we are bombarded with opinion. Who are our " teachers ? " Are we adopting ideas and philosophy based on self examination, the things we have seen with our own eyes, or because these others profess to be experts ? Are you being convinced ?
 I think Socrates was saying that if you allow others to dictate your life, it is not worth living. It is only through self examination that our motives can be determined. When others alter your choice it is their motives that you are acting upon. Your life is not your own. Be diligent in this self examination. You know right from wrong. Can wrong actions be justified ? No, never, that is the deception. Self examination, when done honestly and with diligence, will expose that deception. Stand for your truth with confidence in your heart. Some have had to choose between life and death for that truth. Do not risk your life for another's truth. " Only take heed to yourself,and diligently keep yourself " Are you doing right ? Let today be a new day, a rebirth. Isn't that what self examination will provide ? We all need to improve and before that can happen we need to know where we went wrong. I must find those answers for myself, no one can tell me, and that is the same for everyone. Only you know the truth, are you willing to die for that truth ? Something to consider on this day, Easter Sunday, and everyday.

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