Saturday, April 11, 2015

Are you listening

 All the way back in October of 2010 I posted a blog. That blog was about a remembrance I had of the " Dugan " man. I think it has become my most viewed posting. Guess I peaked with that post ! What was surprising to me was when I went to check my e-mail this morning I received a notification. This notification said, new activity on your blog, The Dugan Man. I checked the post and sure enough there was a new comment there. Over four years later and someone has just read it. That just goes to show how permanet our online postings can be. I am pleased that someone out there in Cyber-City found my posting and enjoyed it. I do wonder how that happens. This person is unknown to me, must be a Google thing.
 I have a few " bloggers " that I follow. I look forward to their postings. Naturally, some postings are of greater interest than others. I especially enjoy the ones containing shared memories or that are informative. I'm interested in their opinions and views as well. I enjoy reading those postings because they force me to listen. That is the purpose of writing in the first place. When an author writes he wants others to listen. By writing his thoughts down others, hopefully, will read them. When reading, we are listening. No interruptions, no questions and no disagreements. That is what the author said ; it is written right there.
 The last few days an advertisement keeps showing up on my Facebook wall. They want me to purchase a " memories " book of my Facebook social activity. You can pick a date range and they will put it in a printed format, including pictures for a coffee table book. A fun idea, or is it totally narcissistic ? I mean, I posted the stuff should I then have it printed to display ? Are my quotes,quips and pictures that interesting to anyone else ? I can see some issues with that, close editing would be required, for some people. I haven't investigated that offer very closely. I'm not certain the amount of control you have over what is printed.
 I only deal with Facebook. I have a twitter account but have never " tweeted " a thing. I hear about instagram and snapchat. I wonder if your posting on those sites are as enduring ? Occasionally I see where a celebrity, politician or corporation gets in trouble for their tweet. Clorox is the latest victim of that. They are being accused of being racist. Something to do with the new phones, Emojis  and bleach. I think it is ridiculous but goes to show how what you write, can be heard ! That is what I mean, people are listening. Our words can say many things to many people at the same time. And they may all hear a different message. I've touched on this particular subjects several times in the past. I do try to avoid repeating myself.
 I surely can't remember every word I have ever written. I may not remember whatever opinion I was offering at a given time. My opinions are variable, dependant upon, and circumstance. A changing of opinion should indicate growth and is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be used against you however, and is often done in the political arena. You don't want to be labeled a " flip flopper. " I don't have to worry about that myself as I tend to hold fast to my opinions. My opinions are subject to change, but not frequently. Seeing that someone just read a blog I wrote over four years ago made me think. That post is just about a memory I have and is not subject to examination. After all, it is my memory. I have written many other blogs however that deal with my opinion on more diverse subjects. In fact, I have posted over 1650 times. Are they consistent ? If they were compiled into one volume, and then indexed according to subject, what would that look like ? Would it be a coherent collection of thoughts and memories,or just a big mish mash ?
 When I first started this blogging I had some printed  in a book. It is just my blogs in a bound volume. Fairly narcissistic but excused as an " heirloom " for future generations. I admit to picking it up and browsing it's pages. I'm not certain if anyone else does. I am certain more people read my Facebook page than the pages in that book. My blog is on Google and apparently will remain available for quite some time. A person found my post about the Dugan man and so my words where heard once again. Will my words ever come back to haunt me ? It is a possibility.

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