Monday, April 27, 2015

Mysteries and memories

 It has only been in the last few years that I began putting my pictures in albums. I think I originally started doing that more for the grandkids than for myself. Kids love to look at themselves and are unabashed about doing so. Apparently that has become a trend with teenagers and young adults as well, given the popularity of the " selfie. " Progress ? Anyway, I have given some thought to dragging out the old pictures stored in a box in the attic. May be time to start categorizing them in some fashion. I don't think it would fall into the area of scrapbooking though, just organizing. Probably something I should have been doing throughout the winter, as the spring and summer is a busy time.
 I recently received a picture from my Mom. I had forgotten some of those faces. Fortunately my friends and classmates helped me out and the names were restored to those faces. I did feel a little sadness that I had forgotten. It does speak to my character I suppose, at least the character I was then. I may not have been paying full attention ! Maybe Mrs. Hildreth was correct after all, I did need to pay more attention. I did write all the names and information on a paper and attached it to the rear of that picture. I have preached about doing just that in the past but have been remiss in following my own advice. Well, this little incident was a reminder. I will try to do better in the future. With that I consider myself reprimanded.
 I haven't retrieved those photographs from the attic yet but was thinking about them. I wonder now how many faces and places I will recall. The faces I am sure I will do well with, but places may be an issue. You know how we tend to take snapshots of interesting scenery or objects ? It is those pictures that I am concerned with. If I cannot identify the place or object, and attach a memory to it, should I still retain that picture ? I think I should because the memory may return. Maybe I should place them in a separate book labeled mysteries and memories. Mysteries and memories live in the same place. One is waiting to be solved and the other to be remembered. Both actions require discovery. It just might prove to be an interesting album to have out on the coffee table.
 I was reminded of my own advice to label pictures. I will try to follow that advice more closely in the future. I had best get started on those old pictures before I lose any more memories. It is a rather unsettling feeling, not knowing. What I mean is, I looked at those faces and most were immediately identified. Others took a little while to surface and that wasn't too bad. In fact, I felt a certain satisfaction in having recalled them. Then there were the ones I had no clue about, a blank. Those were the unsettling ones. I couldn't help but think, is that what alzheimer's is like ? If you suffer from that disease are you aware that you should know ? I should have known. I hope that never happens to me, but if it does, I doubly hope I don't know it ! I hope that I don't know that I should know.
 It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I can understand that thought. I would add that without a memory attached to that picture it falls silent. Its' value may very well be a thousand words but it is worthless if it can'r speak. I saw faces looking out at me from that picture and they were silent.   

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