Friday, April 10, 2015

A bit of a mystery

 I wonder if others do as I do ? Do they spend more time looking back on what was and looking ahead to what may be, than looking at right now ? I wonder too, if there is a reason for that ? My current situation is a very nice one and I have little reason to complain. I am, where I am, through my own efforts. There were no circumstances, other than the circumstance of life, that lead me to where I am. The past can not be changed, so it's purpose is for review. I can look back and learn, or just enjoy the memories. The future is uncertain, so I have found it best not to pin too many hopes on that. That leaves only today. Each day is another chance to do something. Deciding what to do with that time is the real issue. Times spent doing for others is the noblest endeavor but doing for yourself is most satisfying. It doesn't sound so well when put that way, but it is truth. It comes down to a question of sacrifice. Sacrifice is such a strong word. It means to forfeit one thing in favor of another. Really it is just a choice. We must choose what we deem best. Best for whom ? That is another tricky question.
 The real question is what is the purpose of each day ? What should we spend our days trying to accomplish ? Are we here to work for the benefit of others, or for ourselves ? If you have children the answer would be to make it a better place for them and their children. That seems like an obvious and rather cliche response. Our daily lives should include a certain amount of personal satisfaction as well. To go through each day, to the sole benefit of others, would not be satisfying. If you are of a religious bent, as I am, you would have to believe that your God, or creator, wants you to be happy. In that vein of thought one would have to answer differently the question of purpose. What would his/her purpose for you be ? If you could discover that, would that not result in happiness ? Are we supposed to be happy ? We like to think so anyway.
 Each of us have a purpose. I believe that with all my heart. I can not fathom anything so precious as life existing for no reason. A waste of life ? Inconceivable to me. We must discover that purpose for ourselves. We should start with the belief that our purpose is a productive one. We are here to serve a purpose, or function, if you will. It may not be a glamorous or glorious purpose. We can not all be the star ! And so the supporting cast may be where we fall. That doesn't mean we shouldn't aspire to the role however.
 Our purpose may exist in the past or the future. Perhaps I already fulfilled my purpose. I don't think that once my purpose has been accomplished that I am gone ! I don't think it works that way. Perhaps my purpose is in today, does that mean I die tomorrow ? No, I don't think so. It is a fact that death lies in the future, there is no escaping that. Do we dread death only when we are uncertain of our purpose ? Would knowing that you have fulfilled the purpose you were placed here to do alter that ? That answer, I suppose, would lie with the individual. How did you spend your days ? Where your days spent mostly in service to others or to yourself ? Can we know that purpose ? I think it may be best if we don't. I think it may be best if we try to live our lives serving a purpose but not knowing that purpose. God does work in mysterious ways.  

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