Monday, April 20, 2015

Teaching respect

 I ran across a little news story that I'm betting you haven't heard much about. A group of protesters at Valdosta State University in Georgia decided trampling upon the flag would be a part of their protest. I am not sure just what they were protesting, but I found it unimportant to the story. The important part of the story is that an Air Force Veteran decided to pick the flag up off the ground and take possession of it to prevent further desecration. She was subsequently handcuffed by campus security, the flag returned to the protesters, and then banned from the campus. The Dean of the University wrote a letter explaining the student protestors were protected under the first amendment. Yes, that is true. The supreme court upheld that by striking down the Flag Protection act in 1990.
 I was raised in a time when we were taught respect. Respect for your parents,respect for your family,respect for others, and respect for the flag ! The flag is a symbol of this Nation. I was taught about the first amendment as well. The first amendment guarantees the right to free speech. We are all familiar with that. We are also familiar with the concept that doesn't include hollering fire in a crowded movie theater. I understand that to mean that there are common sense limitations to freedom of speech. What I would say is, keep a civil tongue in your head ! In recent years we hear about " hate crimes" and " hate " speech. These are acts or speech deemed " extremely offensive " to the general public. Speech or actions designed to incite ! I would say, trampling upon the flag falls into that category. Were I an attorney, or had funds to hire one, I would take that to the supreme court ! I find it deeply offensive that the flag should be treated in such a manner. That a Veteran, of all people, should be handcuffed and then banned for defending that flag is an outrage. That veteran volunteered to die for that flag, in case you have forgotten that. That veteran fought and upheld your right to protest !
 I am well aware of the reasoning that the first amendment protects my right to say or do whatever I like as an expression of my freedom. I agree that it does. I also believe that it is a right to used with discretion and due diligence. Due diligence is the care that a reasonable person takes to avoid harm to others and their property. I submit that that flag is the property of each and every one of us. To harm that flag, by showing disrespect, is to harm others. I find it offensive ! So why did we not hear much about this incident in the news ? Is it considered inconsequential ? That in and of itself should raise alarm, if that is indeed the prevailing attitude. There are those that proclaim the flag as nothing more than a pagan symbol. Their argument being that to protect that flag, is to worship that flag. What a shallow view that is. It is what the flag represents that requires defense. By respecting the flag we are teaching respect. And what is the purpose of the Constitution  ? Does it not give due respect to all men ? The words, all men are created equal, pretty well sums that up. What does your Mother represent to you ? Should her picture be allowed to be trampled upon ? What about your Father,brother,sisters,your God ? Is nothing protected ?
 Respect is what I am talking about. It is an idea,a concept you hear a lot about these days. The word is thrown about all the time. I was disrespected is often heard as the excuse for violence. The same bunch that will defend that are the ones that cry " first amendment "  when I tell them they are disrespecting my flag and I get upset. Should I start using certain language then they feel disrespected and become violent ! Unless respect is taught, it can not be expected. It is a lesson that needs to be taught at home and in the Universities of this nation. The dean of that university should be ashamed of himself. I can tell you one thing, my statement would have been completely different from his. 

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