Thursday, April 16, 2015

A simple concept

 It is sometimes difficult to wrap words around a particular thought. The verbalization of the thought as it were. For a few days a thought has been resting near the surface of my conscience struggling to break free. It hasn't fully succeeded but I'm beginning to see it. It first appeared with some postings I saw on my wall. Not the wall in my home, the one on the computer. These postings all allude to the idea that you should focus on what makes you happy, and that will bring you happiness. What I perceive as a more self centered approach to life. It is this " idea " that is struggling to reach the surface. It is something I am seeing a lot more of these days. This idea that I should get whatever I want, simply because I want it. Self gratification is another way of looking at it. Allowing ourselves behaviors contrary to the expectations of society under the guise of self expression. It is an attempt to obtain lasting happiness through self application of rewards. Doing whatever makes me happy.
 It is my belief that happiness does not come from within ourselves, so stop looking there. Happiness comes from others sharing their positive energy with us. That is what causes happiness. If we expend our own energies in an attempt to make ourselves happy we will only wind up bitter and angry. We are not self sustaining, nor self sufficient. We all need the encouragement and assistance of our fellow man. When we focus solely upon our own needs we may obtain temporary happiness. That behavior also leads to addiction, depression, or other aberrant behaviors.
 It is the basis for these thoughts that I am struggling with. Just what in these postings have raised an awareness in me ? I think it may be the premise that you can make yourself happy. I just don't think you can. I think trying to convince others that it is possible is a false ideology. If you are of a religious bent you must also believe that there is something more than you. A bigger conscience if that is what you wish to label it. Only with a total lack of belief in that concept could you justify a self centered approach. Then you would believe that this life is only temporary, that there is nothing beyond your own death. Then I suppose you could be " happy " just doing what pleases you. But that is an idea that is foreign to me. I am happiest when those around me are also happy. Sure, I want to be happy and sometimes I have to pursue my own interests, but I shouldn't do that to the exclusion of all others. I also believe we all seek a reward. The choice of that reward is a defining characteristic of ourselves. Do you require " instant " rewards or are you content with what the future may provide ? And in that lies, faith.
 I have made an attempt at explanation. I am not sure I was clear in my thought. I do think that I said it best when I said, " Happiness does not come from within ourselves, so stop looking for it there. " The question is where to look. The answer is, quit looking, happiness will find you if you allow it. Do what you can to be pleasing to others while maintaining your own self worth, and happiness will be the result. A simple concept but so complicated to explain.
Consider this, when I write it makes me happy, but the real happiness comes from you reading it. That is why I say " happiness does not come from within " real happiness is a gift.  

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