Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pride is not a flag

There is a shift in pride in this country. We are moving away from traditional Christian values in regard to pride and pursuing the opposite. I'm thinking that is a part of the generational differences that we are experiencing. On some level I suppose that has always been so. There can be no argument that there has a been a shift in certain social attitudes. I would argue that there is a shift underway of a fundamental nature. A shift away from a society that accepts the presence of, or at least existence of, a God to one that does not. There is much discussion as to whether the United States is a Christian nation and whether it was founded upon Christian values and traditions. I believe that is was/is and no further discussion in that regard is required. My concept of pride is contained within that doctrine. That concept is changing and I find it troubling. I find it troubling based on my own life experiences and what the Bible says about pride. But, it is not only what the Bible says about pride it also what esteemed scholars and philosophers have to add to that conversation.
 Pride is tied to self esteem. Those being the proudest having the " largest " opinion of themselves. That is the traditional Christian view of it. And pride or vainglory is not a good thing. " Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. " Pride cometh before the fall is also another proverb ingrained into my conscience. In other words, don't be so sure of yourself. Pride is being used as a rallying cry. Pride as a justification for actions  known to be incorrect. Pride implies some superior knowledge or ability possessed by the individual. For me however, Pride is not a flag to be flown before the battle. Ego and avarice are bedfellows related by pride. Pride should follow just actions not the other way around. Just actions stem from the humble soul.
 Pride is a lonely place to live. It is dependant upon the constant reaffirmation of your accomplishments. When those affirmations are not forthcoming the result is the same as a deprived addict. You crave more, and more is never enough. The end result inevitably will be depression, the fall. That is what that verse means, pride cometh before the fall. This has been proven throughout history. Examples abound if you but look. The mighty Roman Empire ! What was the cause of its' demise ? The empire was to large to be sustainable. Pride and excess led to the fall. Napoleon suffered his defeat due to arrogance. General George Custer, pride and arrogance. Hitler, and the list goes on.
 Why did the founding fathers develop the three branches of government, that system of checks and balances ? To check and balance pride and arrogance ! They formed a Republic to foster the majority opinion, but not a simple majority which is nothing more than mob rule, but a true majority to express the desires of the ruled. That the majority populace were Christians can not be denied ! That is why pride was viewed in the way it was and should still be. At least that is my opinion. It could be argued that I write these blogs as an expression of pride. That I too crave acceptance and affirmation of my thoughts and beliefs. Yes, of course I do, I would be foolish to argue otherwise. The difference is I am not asking for funding or support to publish and propagate these views and ideas. That would involve more pride,arrogance and feeling of self worth than I currently posses. Given the effect I have seen displayed by some that have that success, I'm not certain I want that. Pride should be a personal thing, not on display.

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