Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Shift and repeat

 It is time to " shift gears. " Time to get into spring /summer mode. That means the days are longer, and with that, the evening are shorter. Evening to me is sitting at the computer or watching a good show on television. Evening is a relaxing time. Not much time to relax when those two seasons arrive. I have to " pick up the pace " and that requires shifting gears. Problem is, my clutch is a little worn. I was born before the time of automatics ! It takes a mental shift to get into the swing of this spring stuff. I find my gears are grinding.
 I managed to get quite a few cliches in that first paragraph. There are times when that tendency is difficult to avoid. It certainly takes less thought to just spout them out rather than think of original thoughts. I have found, as we age, there is more repetition. Repetition in our speech and repetition in what we do. Combine that with the fact that, as we age, time speeds up and, well, the result is we repeat ! The problem lies in that, that repetition happens sooner each year. The " clutch " is getting worn. The shift is harder. It is easier to just stay in the gear you are already in. But we must shift, aging also means going uphill, and a different gear is required for that. You can't go as fast but at least you won't stall !
 The windows are open and the sounds of spring can be heard. It is a time of year I enjoy. The cool mornings followed by a warming is a comfort. But looking out that window I am faced with a multitude of chores and tasks. The spring cleanup, lawn mowing and repairs. There are projects planned and work should begin on them soon. This year we have spring soccer. There will be games in the evenings. Parades and festivals abound. Evening becomes a busy time. There is much to do. This is in keeping with nature and the natural order of things. It has always been so. The warm weather allows for the bounty of the earth to be harvested. The spring and summer months filled with planting.planning and preparation. The fall is for gathering that bounty. That brings us back to winter and the cycle repeats. 
 This old bear is coming out of hibernation. I'm yawning and stretching. Taking a good look around and assessing what needs to be done. I'm not anxious to get started. I'll get into the swing of things in due time. Now it is time for another cup of coffee. 

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