Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Flurries

Spring arrived this weekend ! I don't care about the calendar or the astrological position of the planets. The air temperature wasn't the defining factor. This weekend we had a parade and played our first soccer game of the year ! The daffodils are standing up straight and tall, bright yellow blossoms calling to the sun. I can see the buds on the trees and in places the Bradford pear trees are very close to full bloom. Now, that is spring ! I even started the mower and cut the grass. Can't get much more spring than that.
 Spring began with the little league parade on Saturday morning. Led by the town golfcart and firetrucks, the kids of spring paraded down Sunset Avenue, past my balcony where I overlook the proceedings like a king, and turn left onto Main. I have watched that parade every year and it is the signal of spring. In this parade Little Miss Greensboro makes the first appearance of her reign.I have watched my own grandson in this parade and one year my granddaughter rode the Little Miss float as first runner up to the title. Following the parade opening day ceremonies are held at the old ball park and the Greensboro Lions club "famous " barbecued chicken is on sale. Then that announcement, " Play Ball. "
 This year my grandson Mark joined a travel team for soccer. The played their first contest yesterday. Grandma and Grandpa got the folding chairs out and headed to the field. Sitting on the sidelines and cheering for the " green " team. Our team, being from Caroline County, the green garden county, naturally wears a green uniform. So that it what you hear, GO Green ! Sometimes we are mistaken for activists but that's alright. The score is not important, suffice to say we are hoping for a victory next time. When we win the score becomes important and I will report that.
 In between the parade and the soccer game the grass got a quick mowing. It has been greening up nicely. The gardens need cleaning out and bushes need trimming. Plans are being made for the required maintenance on the deck and fencing. Other plans are being made for upcoming spring/summer projects. Perhaps a new fire pit or an extension on the deck. I get to do most of the construction, the fun part, while my son and daughter in law get the expense. Now that's a win for Grandpa ! I must say I'm glad to see spring arrive as this has been an especially severe winter. Either that or I'm just getting old ! And did I mention that this weekend was the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. ? My lovely granddaughter, Morgan, was in that parade along with her dance company. Grandma and Grandpa didn't venture into the capital so we are waiting on pictures. She is back home safely from the city and that is most important. D.C. can be a dangerous place. She tells me she got to meet Miss America and have a picture taken with her. Sounds like a fun time. Spring has sprung and it is busting out all over. Sorry, just couldn't resist. This weekend was a " flurry " of activity and they said you only get "flurries" in the winter. Hah, I don't think so.

Making the save !!

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