Thursday, April 30, 2015


 As the National Guard patrols the streets of Baltimore and I watch the morning news my mind is occupied. The events of the past week have unfolded and exposed a gaping wound. The city is hurting and so are the people. There are no easy answers to the problems. There are no responses, at this time, that will be satisfactory to all. The underlying issue is one of virtue and morality. It is those attributes that define our character and serve as the motivations for our actions. What we are seeing and experiencing right now are the attempted  justification for those actions. It is a clash of culture. It is a culture that few want to recognize as existing. To even suggest that there is a cultural difference will get you labeled as a racist. It has little to do with race, but everything to do with culture. Culture is a very difficult thing to change. Cultural heritage is a phrase we hear often. Pride in your heritage. What is being left out of that discussion is the current culture you live in. If you wish to integrate into a society you must adopt that societies culture and customs. If you do not, you will remain alien to that culture. You will remain separate.
 When a segment of a society feels oppressed the result is unrest. That is simple enough to understand. It has nothing to do with race. It is all about attitude and perception. If I perceive myself to be oppressed or underprivileged in some fashion, I am. Any outside influence trying to change that will meet with strong resistance. It is akin to trying to change my religious beliefs. When a segment of society is given " special consideration and/or assistance " does that not then reinforce that same perception ? When programs to " advance " my group exist does that not indicate society feels my group somehow inferior ? Will it not add to the justification of my actions contrary to what the society expects ? We can, because we are different. We should receive, because we are different ? A sense of entitlement being fostered. 
 All of this speaks to our society. That society is the United States of America. The defining of America and its' values and morality is the fundamental issue in this struggle. There are those that would destroy the Republic that was formed and replace it with something else. Divisions have been created through good intentions. Those same divisions are being exploited in the name of what ? Freedom or entitlement ? The question is, are we still willing to work for what we want ? It is easier to tear down than build up. America was built by those willing to do the work. Yes there were mistakes. We even came close to a complete division at one point. Have we learned nothing from that experience ? Is there more work to be done, absolutely. We must work to come together as Americans. What does an American look like ? What does an American believe ? The answer to the first question is unimportant, the answer to the second, is vital. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The filter of time

 I was at a soccer game when another asked me this question. Do the high schools still do the whole " letterman " jacket thing ? It having been forty five years since I graduated and twenty years or more since my own boys did, I didn't have an answer. I do work with some high school children so I inquired. Turns out the answer I got was, no, not really. If they do it isn't a big deal. I heard that you can buy a jacket with a " C " on it for Caroline county. I wonder if that is the case everywhere else ? Has the iconic letterman jacket been relegated to a fashion choice ?
 I never earned a letter, or a jacket, when I was in high school. I did not participate in any organized sport. The reason is not important but I now wish I had. I had close friends that earned those letters and I admired them. The letters and the friends. That it gave those students a sense of pride and accomplishment can not be denied. I wonder why that would be withheld in todays' schools ? Has that become prey to political correctness ? Is it letters for all ? Or has that gone by the wayside for some other reasons. I must say I was surprised to learn that. I have seen cheerleaders in the parades so I guess that is still acceptable. I would imagine that whole dynamic still exists. The pretty and popular as it where.
 High school sure looks different through the filter of time. The whole social order of things makes me smile. All the little groups and sub groups. The scholars and the athletes. Then you have everyone else. I was in the " everyone " else category. My friends were in the athlete and scholar groups. I just seemed to drift in and out. In when it was a social aspect, out when the athletics or scholarly pursuits were being done. I was neither popular nor shunned, if that is the word. High school was a place I had to be. I enjoyed school although I admit enjoying the social aspect of it more than the scholarly pursuit of knowledge. I didn't " apply " myself as the teachers were wont to point out. Apparently some felt I had " potential. " I just didn't take the whole thing seriously. I found it easy enough to get passing grades without having to exert much effort. That lead me to be a bit lazy. Well, can't change the past now can we ? It was a different time and place back then. The pursuit of advanced degrees was not for the working class, which I perceived myself to be. It was not expected or even encouraged. A man that could " work " and provide for his family by the sweat of his brow was admired. Those making a living using their brains were not thought of in the same way. They were somehow different and not " real " men.
 A letterman jacket was a source of pride. It would make up for, shall we say, a deficiency in the intellect department. Athletics was an avenue you could take to gain popularity and respect. Gaining letters for band and being on the honor roll also added to your " street cred " in high school. I'm sure all of this still exists on some level. I'm just not in that dynamic anymore and so can not evaluate the situation. Kids will be kids no matter the generation. Maybe it is tee shirts or sneakers that identify your grouping now, I don't know. I'm sure there is a way to tell.

Fashion or the future ? My buddy Oliver 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Casual Observation ?

 For over four hours last evening I watched live coverage of rioting in the city of Baltimore. Very disturbing and disheartening to say the least. There were packs of young people running into stores and looting. There were other packs of young people forming lines and throwing whatever objects they could get their hands on at the police. Fires were started and property destroyed. It was not unexpected but still somewhat of a shock. This was all taking place less than a two hour drive from where I live. I have in laws that live much closer to that area. My wife's' nephew is a police officer and was placed on standby to go and assist.
 There is little I can express that hasn't been said already. I did note that during all of this there were spectators. Yes, that's correct, spectators. There were large groups of people behind the police line that were just casually observing the proceedings. I saw some with their cell phones taking pictures. There were a few with video cameras. I expected the news people to be there, that is their job, but spectators ? I do not understand how anyone could just idly watch as this unfolded. How could these people remain so apathetic ? They didn't interfere with the police or the rioters.
 In the end it took five hours before the mayor responded. The national guard has been deployed. A citywide curfew has been established and will remain in effect for at least a week. The situation has calmed down somewhat but is still tenuous. It is a really sad state of affairs. In the midst of all this a large group of Pastors assembled and began a march through the streets in an attempt to stop the chaos. At one point a group of pastors, or maybe just concerned citizens I cannot say for sure, where seen kneeling in prayer in the street. I do not know how much impact those actions had in preventing further violence but it was heart warming. I heard from several people a simple phrase, Baltimore needs prayer ! Indeed it does ,as does our entire nation.
 This will pass given time. I hope that no one else is injured and no more businesses destroyed. It is a tragic string of events that led up to this point. Healing will take time. I have no answers and no advice. More " marches " are planned and the Reverend Al Sharpton is coming to town. I fear for the safety of the city. It is going to be a long hot summer. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Mysteries and memories

 It has only been in the last few years that I began putting my pictures in albums. I think I originally started doing that more for the grandkids than for myself. Kids love to look at themselves and are unabashed about doing so. Apparently that has become a trend with teenagers and young adults as well, given the popularity of the " selfie. " Progress ? Anyway, I have given some thought to dragging out the old pictures stored in a box in the attic. May be time to start categorizing them in some fashion. I don't think it would fall into the area of scrapbooking though, just organizing. Probably something I should have been doing throughout the winter, as the spring and summer is a busy time.
 I recently received a picture from my Mom. I had forgotten some of those faces. Fortunately my friends and classmates helped me out and the names were restored to those faces. I did feel a little sadness that I had forgotten. It does speak to my character I suppose, at least the character I was then. I may not have been paying full attention ! Maybe Mrs. Hildreth was correct after all, I did need to pay more attention. I did write all the names and information on a paper and attached it to the rear of that picture. I have preached about doing just that in the past but have been remiss in following my own advice. Well, this little incident was a reminder. I will try to do better in the future. With that I consider myself reprimanded.
 I haven't retrieved those photographs from the attic yet but was thinking about them. I wonder now how many faces and places I will recall. The faces I am sure I will do well with, but places may be an issue. You know how we tend to take snapshots of interesting scenery or objects ? It is those pictures that I am concerned with. If I cannot identify the place or object, and attach a memory to it, should I still retain that picture ? I think I should because the memory may return. Maybe I should place them in a separate book labeled mysteries and memories. Mysteries and memories live in the same place. One is waiting to be solved and the other to be remembered. Both actions require discovery. It just might prove to be an interesting album to have out on the coffee table.
 I was reminded of my own advice to label pictures. I will try to follow that advice more closely in the future. I had best get started on those old pictures before I lose any more memories. It is a rather unsettling feeling, not knowing. What I mean is, I looked at those faces and most were immediately identified. Others took a little while to surface and that wasn't too bad. In fact, I felt a certain satisfaction in having recalled them. Then there were the ones I had no clue about, a blank. Those were the unsettling ones. I couldn't help but think, is that what alzheimer's is like ? If you suffer from that disease are you aware that you should know ? I should have known. I hope that never happens to me, but if it does, I doubly hope I don't know it ! I hope that I don't know that I should know.
 It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I can understand that thought. I would add that without a memory attached to that picture it falls silent. Its' value may very well be a thousand words but it is worthless if it can'r speak. I saw faces looking out at me from that picture and they were silent.   

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Injustice discovered

 I was having a brief discussion with a friend of mine when this thought came to mind. The perceptions of our parents forge the views we have as children. We may carry those views into our adult life and repeat them. There are times when those views have remained unexamined. That will lead to the propagation of a misconception. It is this action that sustains bias and in some instances prejudice. I wish to point out that in this instance the prejudice I mean is not the racial prejudice that jumps to the forefront these days, but merely a pre-judgement of a group or individual. It was that statement that led me to some introspection. Had my parents instilled some misconceptions in me ? I knew immediately and without a doubt that they had. I also know I have done the same with my own children and grandchildren. 
 Each of us are products of our environments. The time, place and conditions of our raising forming our character. But not really, it is our choices that form our character. The choices offered are those presented by our parents, society as a whole and conclusions reached by our own efforts. It is a natural thing for a child to adopt the ways of his parents. They are the role models, the guiding force. It is also natural for a child to want to fit into society and so adopt the ways of that society. That extends all the way down to the neighborhood you live in. In every society there are groups and sub groups, classes if you wish. I am the youngest child, the baby of the family. It is from that position that I grew. That was my "view" during my childhood.
 As adults we tend to deal in absolutes. At least what we perceive to be absolutes. They became that way either through our raising or through our own observations of life. It was Socrates that said, " the unexamined life is not worth living. " I think that is what he was talking about, in part. We should examine our perceptions to discover the truth. Our parents have told us their truths, but are they the truth ?  There is a grain of truth in every lie, but lie is such a strong word. To lie is to intentionally deceive. I don't believe my parents every intentionally practiced deceit. I can't imagine any parent doing that. Still, some of their perceptions were jaded or just incorrect ! Adults must deal in absolutes to maintain order. A saying my own Dad used often was, either defecate or get off the toilet ! Yes, I paraphrased that statement but the truth of it remains. We must decide upon a course of action. We must adopt an absolute, set a standard, and strive to fulfill that standard.
 It can be uncomfortable to arrive at a different understanding of the facts that the one taught to us by our parents. A feeling almost of betrayal can come over you. I believe that is why we cling so tightly to some of the perceptions we have. Those perceptions we adopted as truths. They are difficult to abandon. That is because they are a part of our foundation. To begin to remove the foundation is to weaken the whole structure. What if we discover more fallacies ? That will lead to doubt, doubt to uncertainty, and uncertainty to inaction.
 As adults, parents and grandparents it should be our job to examine our motivations and perceptions to ensure we pass along the truth as accurately as we can perceive it. A life examined. We must build that firm foundation. The only way to do that is with quality materials. Any doubt as to the integrity of that material needs to be removed. The discovery of injustice, no matter how small, should be corrected, not excused. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Where did you go ?

 My Mom sent me a picture she has kept for fifty years. She says she decided it was time to start cleaning out some of the clutter. I can understand what it is she means exactly, and I don't enjoy the thought. As we age the realization the stuff we treasure will be left behind begins to enter our conscience. Then the questions begin, what to hold onto a little longer, and what to let go. A sorting of priorities one might say. To dwell on these thoughts too long leads to melancholy, the only word that describes my feelings in regard to this subject. So, I will move on and continue my story.
 The picture I received was taken June the tenth in 1965.It was my sixth grade class picture. As I looked at the faces staring back at me, some were nameless. How could that be ? My memory seems to have failed with some. Perhaps even more curiously, why did I remember the ones I did ? What was it about them that held them in memory. What did that say about me ? Is it that I travel with blinders on ? I think we all do that to a certain extent. Why were they not remembered ? Then, I wondered if they were looking at that picture, would they remember me ? I can see no reason that they would. I would say I was just the average run of the mill kid in school. I wasn't a brilliant scholar or a big troublemaker. No great athlete or possessing any outstanding talent. I wasn't in the class plays or clubs of any kind. I wasn't even in the band. I was there on the fringe and content to be so. Why that was is a paper for a sociologist to write. For those who know, I came from three mile harbor. That explanation should suffice.
 I posted that picture to facebook for help in filling in the blanks. The response was almost immediate. All the names are there now. My memory refreshed. Reading the names once again memories of each person came back. I admit some memories are stronger than others. There is even one that I have no memory of at all. I wonder why that is ? Well, the mystery is solved and the information duly recorded. It will be attached to the picture for future generations to " discover. " A brief explanation of the past. Now I am sitting here and a new question comes to mind, where did they all go ?
 It is a project I had an impulse to begin but one that left just as quickly. What if I could contact everyone in that picture and get a brief synopsis of their lives. A sort of, where are they now sort of thing. Starting with that picture and then filling in the years that followed in a third person account of their actions. I know this has been done before and is not a novel idea. I was just thinking about all the kids of the kids in that picture. And what about the grandkids of the kids in that picture ? What number would that be ? How many husbands and wives ? One each, or two, maybe three ?  Where do they live now ? How many details would they be willing to share ? I'm quite an open person and don't have many secrets. I do have a few though that would not be included. What about you ?
 An amazing thing this picture. Fifty years later and it comes back to me. Much of my high school years memorabilia was lost. It was placed in a storage locker after my divorce and never recovered. I expect it was thrown in the trash as just old junk. But that was forty years ago. Well Moms' tend to hold onto things belonging to their kids. I'm glad that mine did. And she waited until she was sure I would appreciate it before giving it to me. Yeah, Moms' are smart like that. That picture captured June the tenth 1965 for just a few moments. That is where I was and who I was with. Wonder where they all went ? 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Paying for the personal

 Most of the time those ads on the right hand side of my facebook wall are just an annoyance. I rarely pay attention to them, despite their glaring presence. I have even gotten used to the ones that use animation to draw your glance. Effective I would say, but manageable. One yesterday did catch my attention briefly. I had to read about the service they were offering. It was for a " handwriting " service. I do not recall the name of the company or person that was offering this, just the product itself. The jest of it was, you send them whatever it is you want " handwritten " and they will do that. If it is a letter or postcard they will even mail it for you. The " pitch " was that it would add the "personal touch" to your correspondence. Kinda like Hallmark says, when you care enough to send the very best. The implication was that by sending " handwritten " correspondence you would be showing how much you care and create that intimate feel. My reaction was immediate, say what ? Why would I pay someone to write a letter ? I mean,copy a letter I had already written,printed, or whatever. Hire a professional " handwriter" ? A calligrapher I can understand, but just cursive handwriting. Has cursive writing become an occupation ? Technically cursive is a form of calligraphy, is that just too much effort ? Good grief. As far as it being a personal or intimate expression of your caring for the recipient I'm thinking you may have missed the point. I love my grandkids paintings and writings, would they be as cherished if the grandkids just hired someone to do them ? I mean, they could tell the person what to write or draw. Very personal.
 After the initial questioning and scratching of my head I determined that whoever thought that one up was pretty clever. I don't know how much income they are making, but it is a clever ploy. The only expense being a good pen and paper. You do have to posses good cursive skills. I'm betting they have " mature " people that do that for them. You know, us folks that actually got graded on penmanship when in school. I know several people of my age that have excellent skills in that regard. I wonder how difficult it would be to find qualified individuals to write, should the business have a large demand.
 The other thing that came to my mind was, how personal could it be ? I certainly wouldn't think of it as a personal expression if you paid someone else to do it. I would much rather you just printed it, by hand, if you felt like your cursive handwriting was illegible. My cursive is rather a haphazard affair but I have been working on it over the past few months or so. If I ever send any of you a card or letter you can be assured it was written with my own hand. A professional calligrapher writing a personal letter for a complete stranger for another complete stranger ? Maybe it is just me but it all seems weird. It borders on deceit in my book. If I included a picture it would be akin to photoshopping that picture. Yeah, that's what I look like alright.
 I can only assume there must be a demand for this service on some level. After all somebody has to pay for that ad on facebook. I wonder what the cost of that is ? I just can't imagine why anyone would pay for that service. What is next ? Send me a text and I will compose that letter or postcard for you as well ? Just give me an outline. Pay for personality or personally pay ? It is all very confusing to me. Of course I never thought I would pay for a glass of water either. Guess you never know.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Recording history

 Just old news. That is what we think about things in the past. At what point does it become history ? In reality history happens every second. But what I mean is how long do you think it is before something becomes a piece of history, not just old news ?  Is it a decade, a century or something else ? One or two generations ? Or is it when no one is left living that could have personally experienced the event ?
 This was brought to mind by a friend that shared a link to a historic newspaper article. This article spoke of a village, a forgotten village. That village was once a thriving seaport and farming enterprise. Strange thing is I grew up on what would have been the outskirts of that village and never knew a thing about it. Why ? I guess because it was just old news to my parents and grandparents. My great grandfather, who was still very much alive and aware when I was growing up, would have been familiar with that village. It existed during his time. Just when this village " died " is not recorded. There is no official date. Events that led to its' demise are well known. Nothing remains now but a few small cemeteries and scattered foundation stones. I roamed through that village as a young man and wasn't even aware of it. Oh, I knew where some old barns stood, long forgotten and neglected. I had seen some tombstones but thought little of it. Northwest was the name of that village.  The reason was obvious enough, it was situated in northwest Woods. I lived down to northwest and heard it spoken of often enough. My parents and others would say, down to northwest, as a general statement of location. Never did I hear northwest mentioned as a village. I just thought of northwest as " woods. " They were the only woods I knew of, come to think of it. I can't remember any other place being referred to as any woods. There were plenty of place names, two holes of water, hands creek, sammy's beach, maidstone and so forth but no other woods. A village in northwest ? I have learned that there was even a schoolhouse there, built at a cost of forty dollars, paid for by the town of East Hampton.
 This article from the newspaper was published in 1936. In one line the author notes. in living memory, the 1890's a peach farm was there. To give that context I must remember that my Mom was born in 1929 and Dad in 1924. Great Grandfather was born in 1878  1878 sounds like history but the 1900's do not. I don't think of great grandfather Floyd as a historic character though. Perhaps that is because I was born in the 1900's. Well 1910 sounds like history but not 24. So that takes us back to my first question. At what point does something become history ? It is history, when it no longer exists. That is the simple answer.
 In this particular instance I am talking about a village. A village that is all but lost to time. There are a few articles and mentions of this place. It's heyday was a time before photography was an everyday thing. No pictures exist of this place that I am aware of. So little seems to be known or recorded. No one is here to tell us anything more about that village. The majority of the information we have is based in speculation. How different it would have been if the life and death of that village had been fully recorded and documented.
 All of this has led me to thinking have I witnessed anything of historic note ? What I have I seen pass into history ? In this age everything is documented,recorded,filmed,taped and fully examined. I have witnessed a few , shall we say inconsequential things. There was a small, what we call Mom and Pop, store in Greensboro when I first was here. It has since been closed, and subsequent to that, torn down. What was the history of that store ? I'm sure the old timers here would know all about it. I'm sure there are people that worked there still living. I have seen the for sale sign go up at the Methodist church. The church is closed now. What has happened there ? Is anyone writing a history of that ?
 I am writing, by way of these blogs, a bit of my history. In these blogs lie clues to other things, everyday things to me. Future generations may read them and glean some information that they find useful. Supposition will also be taken. I enjoy the telling of the story. Fact is, I am not telling every detail. Every good story has just a bit of mystery to it. The unknown is what adds spice.
 It is only when something has passed into history that it can be fully examined. That " history " is based upon what is left behind. It is that way with our lives as well. Those that knew us will add to that history. After everyone that knew us personally has passed, that history ends.  We will just pass into history as a name. But for a few, more will wish to be known. Knowledge can only be gathered while it still exists, after that, it is supposition. Each of our lives are " historic " moments. We all have a history. It is wise to get the facts straight. We should all learn from history, be a good student.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Shift and repeat

 It is time to " shift gears. " Time to get into spring /summer mode. That means the days are longer, and with that, the evening are shorter. Evening to me is sitting at the computer or watching a good show on television. Evening is a relaxing time. Not much time to relax when those two seasons arrive. I have to " pick up the pace " and that requires shifting gears. Problem is, my clutch is a little worn. I was born before the time of automatics ! It takes a mental shift to get into the swing of this spring stuff. I find my gears are grinding.
 I managed to get quite a few cliches in that first paragraph. There are times when that tendency is difficult to avoid. It certainly takes less thought to just spout them out rather than think of original thoughts. I have found, as we age, there is more repetition. Repetition in our speech and repetition in what we do. Combine that with the fact that, as we age, time speeds up and, well, the result is we repeat ! The problem lies in that, that repetition happens sooner each year. The " clutch " is getting worn. The shift is harder. It is easier to just stay in the gear you are already in. But we must shift, aging also means going uphill, and a different gear is required for that. You can't go as fast but at least you won't stall !
 The windows are open and the sounds of spring can be heard. It is a time of year I enjoy. The cool mornings followed by a warming is a comfort. But looking out that window I am faced with a multitude of chores and tasks. The spring cleanup, lawn mowing and repairs. There are projects planned and work should begin on them soon. This year we have spring soccer. There will be games in the evenings. Parades and festivals abound. Evening becomes a busy time. There is much to do. This is in keeping with nature and the natural order of things. It has always been so. The warm weather allows for the bounty of the earth to be harvested. The spring and summer months filled with planting.planning and preparation. The fall is for gathering that bounty. That brings us back to winter and the cycle repeats. 
 This old bear is coming out of hibernation. I'm yawning and stretching. Taking a good look around and assessing what needs to be done. I'm not anxious to get started. I'll get into the swing of things in due time. Now it is time for another cup of coffee. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A simple proverb

 My grandmother would often tell us children, " idle hands do the devils work. " I have heard this " proverb " in several forms .All of them are saying the same thing. Contrary to popular belief it is not in the Bible per se. There are verses one could relate to the concept. At any rate, I grew up hearing that. When I was young I just thought it was a way Grandma got us to do some chore. The implication was clear, even to a five year old, maybe even more so, being idle would lead you to wrongdoing. The devil was sure to get to you if you weren't on your guard at all times. By staying busy, doing something constructive and good, you could stave off his advances. The devil has no power against those doing the work of God ! It sure sounded right and reasonable to a five year old. I would say that it is a truth that can not be denied.
 Over the years I have often thought about what grandma was really trying to tell us. I have reached the conclusion that she was in essence speaking to our spiritual side. I think what she meant was if you allow yourself to be idle, that is, not doing the work of the lord, what work would you be doing ? The answer is an obvious one. What we call today a, no brainer. The question then is what is the work of the lord ? Again that answer is a no brainer. The work of the lord, that is, the work he expects all of us to do is clearly spelled out in our Bibles. If we follow that guidance, every day, the devil will be kept at bay. You may chose to look at God and the Devil metaphorically,  the results would be the same. As long as you follow the precepts in the Bible that is.
 I see movement away from the precepts of the Bible. Too many idle hands in my opinion. And just as Grandma taught, the devils work is being done. Man has used his intellect to find easier,faster ways of accomplishing those everyday mundane tasks. This in turn has lead to more free time, idle time one might say. Idleness leads to boredom and boredom to mischief. Isn't that why when the children become quiet we check to see what they have gotten into ? The work of the devil is best done with stealth and silence. The desire for material goods. Those material goods can only be gained by an increase in money. Now idle hands are busy trying to increase wealth. Is that the lords' work ? Well suffice to say you can't buy your way into heaven. Even the internet, which can be a tremendous tool for good, is being used in devilish ways. A veritable devils playground in fact !
 Now that old proverb was designed to teach us a valuable life lesson. That lesson is a simple one, stay busy doing good, and you don't have time to do the bad. Mans' greatest returns come from helping his fellow man. That help may take many forms and is not always obvious to us. Just doing your job, whatever that occupation may be, is helping your fellow man. You should do that job well. Be constructive and be helpful. Doing what is correct requires no explanations. It is only when we are doing the work of the devil, the bad, that we feel the necessity to justify those actions. That is when we feel " caught. " Caught doing what we know we should not be doing. And what lead us to that behavior ? Idle hands ? Yes that, and an idle soul I would add. Just as the work of our hands exercise our body, so too the soul needs exercise. If we allow the soul to remain " idle " it will wither and become weak. Strength of character is another way to put that. Is our character not our soul ? It is what we are.
 Grandma was a wise lady. A lady that raised ten children of her own. She worked, doing other peoples laundry, well into her seventies. She was kind, gentle and soft spoken. Never asking for much in the way of material goods and never idle. She was an example of what she preached. Grandma kept us children busy, helping. The truth is she was caring for our bodies and souls. It may have seemed different at times, when we had to fetch the firewood or bring in the laundry, but our hands were not idle. We were rewarded, usually with a treat of some kind, and believe me Grandmas' pastry was like heaven. There was a lesson being taught there. It may have taken a while for the lesson to become clear, but the lesson was taught. That lesson is responsibility. We are responsible for our own actions and happiness. That happiness is determined by the path we follow. Stay busy doing good and you won't have time for the bad. Very simple.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Teaching respect

 I ran across a little news story that I'm betting you haven't heard much about. A group of protesters at Valdosta State University in Georgia decided trampling upon the flag would be a part of their protest. I am not sure just what they were protesting, but I found it unimportant to the story. The important part of the story is that an Air Force Veteran decided to pick the flag up off the ground and take possession of it to prevent further desecration. She was subsequently handcuffed by campus security, the flag returned to the protesters, and then banned from the campus. The Dean of the University wrote a letter explaining the student protestors were protected under the first amendment. Yes, that is true. The supreme court upheld that by striking down the Flag Protection act in 1990.
 I was raised in a time when we were taught respect. Respect for your parents,respect for your family,respect for others, and respect for the flag ! The flag is a symbol of this Nation. I was taught about the first amendment as well. The first amendment guarantees the right to free speech. We are all familiar with that. We are also familiar with the concept that doesn't include hollering fire in a crowded movie theater. I understand that to mean that there are common sense limitations to freedom of speech. What I would say is, keep a civil tongue in your head ! In recent years we hear about " hate crimes" and " hate " speech. These are acts or speech deemed " extremely offensive " to the general public. Speech or actions designed to incite ! I would say, trampling upon the flag falls into that category. Were I an attorney, or had funds to hire one, I would take that to the supreme court ! I find it deeply offensive that the flag should be treated in such a manner. That a Veteran, of all people, should be handcuffed and then banned for defending that flag is an outrage. That veteran volunteered to die for that flag, in case you have forgotten that. That veteran fought and upheld your right to protest !
 I am well aware of the reasoning that the first amendment protects my right to say or do whatever I like as an expression of my freedom. I agree that it does. I also believe that it is a right to used with discretion and due diligence. Due diligence is the care that a reasonable person takes to avoid harm to others and their property. I submit that that flag is the property of each and every one of us. To harm that flag, by showing disrespect, is to harm others. I find it offensive ! So why did we not hear much about this incident in the news ? Is it considered inconsequential ? That in and of itself should raise alarm, if that is indeed the prevailing attitude. There are those that proclaim the flag as nothing more than a pagan symbol. Their argument being that to protect that flag, is to worship that flag. What a shallow view that is. It is what the flag represents that requires defense. By respecting the flag we are teaching respect. And what is the purpose of the Constitution  ? Does it not give due respect to all men ? The words, all men are created equal, pretty well sums that up. What does your Mother represent to you ? Should her picture be allowed to be trampled upon ? What about your Father,brother,sisters,your God ? Is nothing protected ?
 Respect is what I am talking about. It is an idea,a concept you hear a lot about these days. The word is thrown about all the time. I was disrespected is often heard as the excuse for violence. The same bunch that will defend that are the ones that cry " first amendment "  when I tell them they are disrespecting my flag and I get upset. Should I start using certain language then they feel disrespected and become violent ! Unless respect is taught, it can not be expected. It is a lesson that needs to be taught at home and in the Universities of this nation. The dean of that university should be ashamed of himself. I can tell you one thing, my statement would have been completely different from his. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pride is not a flag

There is a shift in pride in this country. We are moving away from traditional Christian values in regard to pride and pursuing the opposite. I'm thinking that is a part of the generational differences that we are experiencing. On some level I suppose that has always been so. There can be no argument that there has a been a shift in certain social attitudes. I would argue that there is a shift underway of a fundamental nature. A shift away from a society that accepts the presence of, or at least existence of, a God to one that does not. There is much discussion as to whether the United States is a Christian nation and whether it was founded upon Christian values and traditions. I believe that is was/is and no further discussion in that regard is required. My concept of pride is contained within that doctrine. That concept is changing and I find it troubling. I find it troubling based on my own life experiences and what the Bible says about pride. But, it is not only what the Bible says about pride it also what esteemed scholars and philosophers have to add to that conversation.
 Pride is tied to self esteem. Those being the proudest having the " largest " opinion of themselves. That is the traditional Christian view of it. And pride or vainglory is not a good thing. " Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. " Pride cometh before the fall is also another proverb ingrained into my conscience. In other words, don't be so sure of yourself. Pride is being used as a rallying cry. Pride as a justification for actions  known to be incorrect. Pride implies some superior knowledge or ability possessed by the individual. For me however, Pride is not a flag to be flown before the battle. Ego and avarice are bedfellows related by pride. Pride should follow just actions not the other way around. Just actions stem from the humble soul.
 Pride is a lonely place to live. It is dependant upon the constant reaffirmation of your accomplishments. When those affirmations are not forthcoming the result is the same as a deprived addict. You crave more, and more is never enough. The end result inevitably will be depression, the fall. That is what that verse means, pride cometh before the fall. This has been proven throughout history. Examples abound if you but look. The mighty Roman Empire ! What was the cause of its' demise ? The empire was to large to be sustainable. Pride and excess led to the fall. Napoleon suffered his defeat due to arrogance. General George Custer, pride and arrogance. Hitler, and the list goes on.
 Why did the founding fathers develop the three branches of government, that system of checks and balances ? To check and balance pride and arrogance ! They formed a Republic to foster the majority opinion, but not a simple majority which is nothing more than mob rule, but a true majority to express the desires of the ruled. That the majority populace were Christians can not be denied ! That is why pride was viewed in the way it was and should still be. At least that is my opinion. It could be argued that I write these blogs as an expression of pride. That I too crave acceptance and affirmation of my thoughts and beliefs. Yes, of course I do, I would be foolish to argue otherwise. The difference is I am not asking for funding or support to publish and propagate these views and ideas. That would involve more pride,arrogance and feeling of self worth than I currently posses. Given the effect I have seen displayed by some that have that success, I'm not certain I want that. Pride should be a personal thing, not on display.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


 I'm thinking that I was born many centuries too late. I should have been an ancient Greek philosopher. I mean, what a cool job, just sit around and think about stuff. Not only that, but centuries later people are still talking  about you. Everybody knows Socrates and Plato .But I'm thinking at this point in history everything has already pretty much been thought of. The best we can do is find a new way of saying it. I just haven't found anyone willing to pay me for that. Socrates had a school so I assume his pupils paid him to attend. What was cool about that was, he just made up the curriculum as he went along.
 I guess the closest thing we have to that today is the Dr. Phil show. A man with a bunch of letters after his name. He has advice for everybody, but the real help he farms out. I mean he is always sending people to Horizons or some such place. He doesn't solve their problems, just tells them where to go. Shoot I could do that. In other words, he just talks about it. Sure he writes books but it is his son that publishes them. I guess somebody buys them. Thing is I don't think he has any original ideas. He is just parroting whatever he was taught in college. At least Socrates and Plato had to think the stuff up for themselves.
 Now I really enjoy just thinking about things and attempting an explanation. Maybe it is because people can't prove me wrong when it comes to philosophy.  We each have our own and we are entitled to that. I like to discuss and compare. My thoughts are based on my life experiences and so will vary from yours. Occasionally I like to think I point something out, usually the obvious hiding in plain sight. I formulate an idea and find a way to express it. Socrates and the boys discussed the idea of ideas. They wondered if everything was just an idea and how an idea became a reality. Heady stuff to contemplate. They of course tried to figure out the why of things. They argued and discussed the same things we do today. Morals,ethics,the existence of God and our role in the universe. There are no answers though, only questions.
 Here is a question for you. Are we born with intelligence ? Or are we taught ? Why do some seem to have the inherent ability to learn vast amounts of knowledge and others, well, not so much ? Thomas Aquinas, friar, saint and philosopher offered this explanation as proof of the existence of God. he said " unintelligent objects cannot be ordered unless they are done so by an intelligent being to move objects to their end."  God. God is the intelligent being, at least his intelligence is far greater than ours, and therefore has ordered our existence. The planets in their alignment, the cosmos, the seasons, even mans' ability to think and reason is directed by an intelligent being. I admit it is a plausible enough explanation. I can certainly offer no other. That is the stuff of philosophy. It has little to do with intelligence but everything to do with thought. The burden of proof is not in the existence of God but rather that God does not exist. Just how intelligent is man ? Consider this, we can not yet explain why we don't just fly off into space. There is a force we call gravity, but what is it ? Duh, we don't know but it exists. At least here on Earth it does, where it is required, a necessary thing. Coincidence ? Could be intelligence. Maybe it was ordered to be so.

Friday, April 17, 2015

That's the way ( uh huh ) I like it

 My wifes' sister is coming for a short stay over the weekend. It will cause a slight disruption in my routine. That's alright though it will be offset by her presence. I do love having family around. I find it best when you have family or friends visit and you don't feel the need to entertain them. Joan is like that. We are glad to see each other and enjoy our time together. She is family. That means she can come and go as she pleases, and so can I. I, of course, include her in most decisions about what I will or will not do, but you get the idea. I do not feel bound by her.
 I have nothing against entertaining my guests. Having guests can be an enriching experience. The thing is, Ben Franklin said it best when he said, company is like fish,after three days it begins to stink. What he was saying was that he stilled liked the fish, it just became harder to keep it around. Some people are not company, people like your family and close friends. Joan is both to me. Related by marriage, friends in life ! We share a commonality, we both love my wife. It doesn't always work that way in families, but we are blessed in that fashion.
 I have no plans to " do " anything with Joan. I believe the girls are going to do each others' hair, a sister thing I suppose. I will share some pictures and videos with her while she is here. We will talk and eat a meal or two together. She may decide to sit on the porch while I play on my computer and that will be fine. Neither of us will feel slighted in any way by those actions. The easiest way to put it is, we are comfortable around each other. No one feeling a particular need to alter their mood or attitude around the other. We are familiar with each others' "buttons" and so avoid pushing them, well, most of the time anyway. What fun is family and friends if you can't rile them up once in a while ! Yank their chain, as it where.
 It has been a long cold winter. Joan hasn't been down our way in several months. That will be changing in the near future however. Her son Fred is building a home near us in Denton Maryland. It will include a mother in laws suite. Joan will then be a mere seven miles away and I'm betting we will get to see a lot more of her. That is a good thing for us and her. We are all " getting on " as the saying goes and should fill our " golden " years with as many riches as possible. Joan is sheer gold ! At least her heart is anyway, but don't tell her I said so.
 And so my weekend will be different. A break from the same old,same old. The weather promises to be nice. I'm looking forward to the visit. In reality though it isn't a visit in the true sense of the word it is more like a reunion. Old friends getting together. No pressure to perform, to entertain. That's the way I like it.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

A simple concept

 It is sometimes difficult to wrap words around a particular thought. The verbalization of the thought as it were. For a few days a thought has been resting near the surface of my conscience struggling to break free. It hasn't fully succeeded but I'm beginning to see it. It first appeared with some postings I saw on my wall. Not the wall in my home, the one on the computer. These postings all allude to the idea that you should focus on what makes you happy, and that will bring you happiness. What I perceive as a more self centered approach to life. It is this " idea " that is struggling to reach the surface. It is something I am seeing a lot more of these days. This idea that I should get whatever I want, simply because I want it. Self gratification is another way of looking at it. Allowing ourselves behaviors contrary to the expectations of society under the guise of self expression. It is an attempt to obtain lasting happiness through self application of rewards. Doing whatever makes me happy.
 It is my belief that happiness does not come from within ourselves, so stop looking there. Happiness comes from others sharing their positive energy with us. That is what causes happiness. If we expend our own energies in an attempt to make ourselves happy we will only wind up bitter and angry. We are not self sustaining, nor self sufficient. We all need the encouragement and assistance of our fellow man. When we focus solely upon our own needs we may obtain temporary happiness. That behavior also leads to addiction, depression, or other aberrant behaviors.
 It is the basis for these thoughts that I am struggling with. Just what in these postings have raised an awareness in me ? I think it may be the premise that you can make yourself happy. I just don't think you can. I think trying to convince others that it is possible is a false ideology. If you are of a religious bent you must also believe that there is something more than you. A bigger conscience if that is what you wish to label it. Only with a total lack of belief in that concept could you justify a self centered approach. Then you would believe that this life is only temporary, that there is nothing beyond your own death. Then I suppose you could be " happy " just doing what pleases you. But that is an idea that is foreign to me. I am happiest when those around me are also happy. Sure, I want to be happy and sometimes I have to pursue my own interests, but I shouldn't do that to the exclusion of all others. I also believe we all seek a reward. The choice of that reward is a defining characteristic of ourselves. Do you require " instant " rewards or are you content with what the future may provide ? And in that lies, faith.
 I have made an attempt at explanation. I am not sure I was clear in my thought. I do think that I said it best when I said, " Happiness does not come from within ourselves, so stop looking for it there. " The question is where to look. The answer is, quit looking, happiness will find you if you allow it. Do what you can to be pleasing to others while maintaining your own self worth, and happiness will be the result. A simple concept but so complicated to explain.
Consider this, when I write it makes me happy, but the real happiness comes from you reading it. That is why I say " happiness does not come from within " real happiness is a gift.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Opinion and Choice

 With the candidates announcing their intentions to run for president the political season has begun. It is a necessary process but one that can get annoying. The expenditure of so much money for a possible nomination boggles my mind. Literally millions of dollars, and then to not receive that nomination. What happens to the funds left over ? Where does all that money go ? I wonder if in today's' electronic age if this is really a necessity. Couldn't the candidates just post to Facebook or Tweet ? Hey, that way if you fail to win the nomination just delete that loss of your server ! Sorry, couldn't resist a political jab there. Seriously though, all this " stumping " around and spending of money to hopefully convince your party to nominate you. It can all be negated with a single, tweet,post or instagram ! Consider the esteemed Dr. Ben Carson. He was getting quite a bit of attention but has made, what I consider, a fatal slip. With one statement he ruined his chance of being a viable candidate. A real shame but reality.
 We have all heard the advice to never speak of religion or politics. That is because both are very personal things. Passions tend to run high. I think they are similar, religion and politics, in that both require a bit of faith. The decision is a personal one and not necessarily substantiated. Neither requires that proof either. It is difficult, if not impossible, to defend those choices. Both include fundamental choice. 
 Republicans and Democrats. The two major parties in America. Oh, if it were only that simple. Inside each party that are subsets. Liberals and conservatives. Not that simple either. Degrees of liberalism and conservatism. It has always been so throughout the political system in America. The Democrats were first called Republican Democrats ! Then the Federalists, there major opposition, started calling them Democrats. They wanted to show that these Republican Democrats favored " Democracy " which in their view is nothing more than mob rule. It was a term of derision ! But eventually the Democratic Republicans embraced the title and became just Democrats. The Federalists became Republicans, Lincoln was the first to call himself so. Both parties platforms has changed and evolved over the years. 
 I have determined to try, as far as possible, to just keep my opinions to myself. That is, unless I am asked. I can see no point in expressing my views as I can not see those views exerting any influence. I do not feel compelled to point out others shortcomings. I will make my choice at the polls ! I did enjoy this campaigning more when they gave out pot holders and pencils ! A stop into campaign headquarters could yield a kid quite a boatload of goodies. 
 It will be a trying time for me throughout this process. First the nominations and then the elections. It will not be easy for me to just keep silent. The urge to expound upon the " perceived " benefits of one candidate or party over the other is a strong one. I do worry about the future of this nation. I am concerned for the grandchildren. Back in the day Bob Dylan said, " the times they are a'changin' " and he got that right. It has always been so and it will continue. We all want better, and to give our children and grandchildren what we had. We wish to make it easier for them. Perhaps though we are relying too heavily upon government, and too little upon self reliance and independence. In that is where your political allegiance lies. A matter of opinion and personal choice.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Whispered information

 I believe I have learned more useful information through whispers, rather than shouts. It is the little snide remarks or offhand comments that often reflect what a person is really thinking. I'm not talking about the telling of secrets here but those comments made without thought. Perhaps they are being offered as a joke. All humor has it's basis in truth. I do think if we were to pay attention to those things, those things that do not draw our attention, a lot can be gained. The gain I mean is personal gain in our character. Shakespeare pointed out that each of us are here to play a part, be a character on the grand stage, should we not develop our character ? Actors will ask the director for motivation.  What are your motivations in life ? Wealth, friendship, popularity, respect or something else ?  Motivations define our character. We use motivation to justify our actions.
 What I am thinking about however, has little to do with motivations, but everything to do with actions. I'm talking about the way we conduct ourselves. It is the whispers that tell us what other peoples perceptions of our actions really are. Do you laugh a little too often or repeat your words ? Are there whispers that you think you know it all ? Is that a perception others have of your character ? Are you perceived as narcissistic or vain ? Are you genuine ? Those are the traits you will here in whispers. Shouts only let you know the other person is upset ! Words spoken in anger and frustration are often not completely accurate. They may hold some truth, but are not offered in a constructive way.
 The question is, should we care what others think about us ? I think we should. It is easy to dismiss our shortcomings if we don't admit to them. It is far more difficult to make adjustments to our character. We call it growth ! We should never stop growing. I tend to grow only when I agree with others observations of my behaviors. I have to discover that for myself, as I tend to get my back up when my shortcomings are pointed out to me. If you try to tell me, most likely, I will not listen. My character has a stubborn streak. How are our characters developed ? Being aware of that process is what causes growth. I think that we develop our character based upon the expectations of others. That starts with our parents, then with our friends and eventually our co-workers. I'm not saying that we should, just that I believe that we do. Our character can range from the sublime to the eccentric. That, I think, depends upon the role you wish to play. That role will, and should, change over time. The dismissal of other's opinions and observations will tend to lead us toward the eccentric, whereas close adherence to the rules of society will have the opposite effect. Finding the balance is the key. We should care what others' think about us only as a standard.
 I'm thinking that this blog may have wandered of a bit. The concept or idea I am trying to express is a bit of a shadow. What I am thinking about is when you hear a whispered comment, not necessarily mean spirited, but an honest statement about your character. A statement someone  would probably never say to you directly. A person with tact is what I mean. They are accepting of that behavior but find it noteworthy. It may be a good thing and we accept that as fact. If what is being whispered is something we do not want to hear about ourselves our reaction will be different. It is those times when I learn that useful information. It is that information that I decide whether I should act upon it or not. A change in character ? First you need motivation. Character development is a lifelong endeavor. At least it should be.  

Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Flurries

Spring arrived this weekend ! I don't care about the calendar or the astrological position of the planets. The air temperature wasn't the defining factor. This weekend we had a parade and played our first soccer game of the year ! The daffodils are standing up straight and tall, bright yellow blossoms calling to the sun. I can see the buds on the trees and in places the Bradford pear trees are very close to full bloom. Now, that is spring ! I even started the mower and cut the grass. Can't get much more spring than that.
 Spring began with the little league parade on Saturday morning. Led by the town golfcart and firetrucks, the kids of spring paraded down Sunset Avenue, past my balcony where I overlook the proceedings like a king, and turn left onto Main. I have watched that parade every year and it is the signal of spring. In this parade Little Miss Greensboro makes the first appearance of her reign.I have watched my own grandson in this parade and one year my granddaughter rode the Little Miss float as first runner up to the title. Following the parade opening day ceremonies are held at the old ball park and the Greensboro Lions club "famous " barbecued chicken is on sale. Then that announcement, " Play Ball. "
 This year my grandson Mark joined a travel team for soccer. The played their first contest yesterday. Grandma and Grandpa got the folding chairs out and headed to the field. Sitting on the sidelines and cheering for the " green " team. Our team, being from Caroline County, the green garden county, naturally wears a green uniform. So that it what you hear, GO Green ! Sometimes we are mistaken for activists but that's alright. The score is not important, suffice to say we are hoping for a victory next time. When we win the score becomes important and I will report that.
 In between the parade and the soccer game the grass got a quick mowing. It has been greening up nicely. The gardens need cleaning out and bushes need trimming. Plans are being made for the required maintenance on the deck and fencing. Other plans are being made for upcoming spring/summer projects. Perhaps a new fire pit or an extension on the deck. I get to do most of the construction, the fun part, while my son and daughter in law get the expense. Now that's a win for Grandpa ! I must say I'm glad to see spring arrive as this has been an especially severe winter. Either that or I'm just getting old ! And did I mention that this weekend was the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. ? My lovely granddaughter, Morgan, was in that parade along with her dance company. Grandma and Grandpa didn't venture into the capital so we are waiting on pictures. She is back home safely from the city and that is most important. D.C. can be a dangerous place. She tells me she got to meet Miss America and have a picture taken with her. Sounds like a fun time. Spring has sprung and it is busting out all over. Sorry, just couldn't resist. This weekend was a " flurry " of activity and they said you only get "flurries" in the winter. Hah, I don't think so.

Making the save !!

Sunday, April 12, 2015


 Ever wonder why when you get older you plan ahead, but when you are young you seldom do ? What I mean is,take for example, doing a simple task. When you are young you just do it, but when you are older you plan for it, do it, and then plan with an eye to having to do it again. That is why older people put the rake back in the shed, or clean the paint brush. The older you get the more you seem to plan ahead and the accomplishment of the task is of greater importance. That is why if you have a doctors appointment next week, you don't make any other plans ! C'mon you know older folks like that. If you are of my age you are beginning to get that way yourself. It is just a natural part of aging I suppose. On the surface it may seem counter intuitive. When you get older the odds of having to repeat an action are growing slimmer ! So, why then do we obsess so much about it ? Is it a goal to be reached ? Something to be strived for ?
 This planning ahead, or lack of it, can be an annoyance. That is especially true when you have work after someone that fails to think ahead. It happens to me almost every day at work. The younger guys work after my shift and I come into work to find that situation. Why is this sitting in front of that and why didn't they do this or that ? Sure would have made things a lot easier for everyone concerned. But that is not really true, the truth is it would make things easier for me. It is a natural thing to look for reasons that someone else should have done something when we get annoyed. I generally place the blame on them not thinking or planning ahead. A cavalier approach to the job ! I can often be heard muttering, "kids." With kids, of all ages, what comes next always seems to be a surprise. Even after having done the task a hundred times !
 I'm thinking this is a result of just not having an organized mind. As we gain knowledge we begin to arrange it in some fashion for retrieval. The older you get, the more knowledge, hence the requirement for more organization. Older folks realize that you must isolate the task in order to accomplish the task effectively. If you fail to do that you will find yourself repeating the same task over and over again. So, you see, it's all about focus. Isn't that what the martial arts masters will tell you ? Focus ! What takes years to understand is, focus is not just the task before you, but the whole picture. Focus includes the past,present and future. Focus allows for the most effective use of our time and energy. That is why older folks plan ahead. We are focused. The young would be wise to emulate our actions. Isn't that what you and I say ?
 That explanation seems to be the most reasonable and I will go with that. I would add that the accomplishment of just one task, done correctly, is superior to a bunch of inferior attempts. Quality not quantity. You just can't rush quality work ! That is true whether you are performing the task for another or for yourself. It makes no difference whatsoever. To the young it may look like obsessive behavior and something they just don't understand. The fact is, it is focus that they are witnessing. Ah, kids, they just rush into everything unprepared. Over time they will learn and then marvel at why the young do what they do. As my dad was fond of saying, " do it right or don't do it at all. " Of course what that really meant was you are going to do it right, according to my standards. I never got to just not " do it at all. " Well at least not without paying a price, if you get my meaning. Come to think about it that price tended to increase your focus. Hmm, maybe that is what is wrong with these kids today, things are too cheap.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Are you listening

 All the way back in October of 2010 I posted a blog. That blog was about a remembrance I had of the " Dugan " man. I think it has become my most viewed posting. Guess I peaked with that post ! What was surprising to me was when I went to check my e-mail this morning I received a notification. This notification said, new activity on your blog, The Dugan Man. I checked the post and sure enough there was a new comment there. Over four years later and someone has just read it. That just goes to show how permanet our online postings can be. I am pleased that someone out there in Cyber-City found my posting and enjoyed it. I do wonder how that happens. This person is unknown to me, must be a Google thing.
 I have a few " bloggers " that I follow. I look forward to their postings. Naturally, some postings are of greater interest than others. I especially enjoy the ones containing shared memories or that are informative. I'm interested in their opinions and views as well. I enjoy reading those postings because they force me to listen. That is the purpose of writing in the first place. When an author writes he wants others to listen. By writing his thoughts down others, hopefully, will read them. When reading, we are listening. No interruptions, no questions and no disagreements. That is what the author said ; it is written right there.
 The last few days an advertisement keeps showing up on my Facebook wall. They want me to purchase a " memories " book of my Facebook social activity. You can pick a date range and they will put it in a printed format, including pictures for a coffee table book. A fun idea, or is it totally narcissistic ? I mean, I posted the stuff should I then have it printed to display ? Are my quotes,quips and pictures that interesting to anyone else ? I can see some issues with that, close editing would be required, for some people. I haven't investigated that offer very closely. I'm not certain the amount of control you have over what is printed.
 I only deal with Facebook. I have a twitter account but have never " tweeted " a thing. I hear about instagram and snapchat. I wonder if your posting on those sites are as enduring ? Occasionally I see where a celebrity, politician or corporation gets in trouble for their tweet. Clorox is the latest victim of that. They are being accused of being racist. Something to do with the new phones, Emojis  and bleach. I think it is ridiculous but goes to show how what you write, can be heard ! That is what I mean, people are listening. Our words can say many things to many people at the same time. And they may all hear a different message. I've touched on this particular subjects several times in the past. I do try to avoid repeating myself.
 I surely can't remember every word I have ever written. I may not remember whatever opinion I was offering at a given time. My opinions are variable, dependant upon, and circumstance. A changing of opinion should indicate growth and is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be used against you however, and is often done in the political arena. You don't want to be labeled a " flip flopper. " I don't have to worry about that myself as I tend to hold fast to my opinions. My opinions are subject to change, but not frequently. Seeing that someone just read a blog I wrote over four years ago made me think. That post is just about a memory I have and is not subject to examination. After all, it is my memory. I have written many other blogs however that deal with my opinion on more diverse subjects. In fact, I have posted over 1650 times. Are they consistent ? If they were compiled into one volume, and then indexed according to subject, what would that look like ? Would it be a coherent collection of thoughts and memories,or just a big mish mash ?
 When I first started this blogging I had some printed  in a book. It is just my blogs in a bound volume. Fairly narcissistic but excused as an " heirloom " for future generations. I admit to picking it up and browsing it's pages. I'm not certain if anyone else does. I am certain more people read my Facebook page than the pages in that book. My blog is on Google and apparently will remain available for quite some time. A person found my post about the Dugan man and so my words where heard once again. Will my words ever come back to haunt me ? It is a possibility.

Friday, April 10, 2015

A bit of a mystery

 I wonder if others do as I do ? Do they spend more time looking back on what was and looking ahead to what may be, than looking at right now ? I wonder too, if there is a reason for that ? My current situation is a very nice one and I have little reason to complain. I am, where I am, through my own efforts. There were no circumstances, other than the circumstance of life, that lead me to where I am. The past can not be changed, so it's purpose is for review. I can look back and learn, or just enjoy the memories. The future is uncertain, so I have found it best not to pin too many hopes on that. That leaves only today. Each day is another chance to do something. Deciding what to do with that time is the real issue. Times spent doing for others is the noblest endeavor but doing for yourself is most satisfying. It doesn't sound so well when put that way, but it is truth. It comes down to a question of sacrifice. Sacrifice is such a strong word. It means to forfeit one thing in favor of another. Really it is just a choice. We must choose what we deem best. Best for whom ? That is another tricky question.
 The real question is what is the purpose of each day ? What should we spend our days trying to accomplish ? Are we here to work for the benefit of others, or for ourselves ? If you have children the answer would be to make it a better place for them and their children. That seems like an obvious and rather cliche response. Our daily lives should include a certain amount of personal satisfaction as well. To go through each day, to the sole benefit of others, would not be satisfying. If you are of a religious bent, as I am, you would have to believe that your God, or creator, wants you to be happy. In that vein of thought one would have to answer differently the question of purpose. What would his/her purpose for you be ? If you could discover that, would that not result in happiness ? Are we supposed to be happy ? We like to think so anyway.
 Each of us have a purpose. I believe that with all my heart. I can not fathom anything so precious as life existing for no reason. A waste of life ? Inconceivable to me. We must discover that purpose for ourselves. We should start with the belief that our purpose is a productive one. We are here to serve a purpose, or function, if you will. It may not be a glamorous or glorious purpose. We can not all be the star ! And so the supporting cast may be where we fall. That doesn't mean we shouldn't aspire to the role however.
 Our purpose may exist in the past or the future. Perhaps I already fulfilled my purpose. I don't think that once my purpose has been accomplished that I am gone ! I don't think it works that way. Perhaps my purpose is in today, does that mean I die tomorrow ? No, I don't think so. It is a fact that death lies in the future, there is no escaping that. Do we dread death only when we are uncertain of our purpose ? Would knowing that you have fulfilled the purpose you were placed here to do alter that ? That answer, I suppose, would lie with the individual. How did you spend your days ? Where your days spent mostly in service to others or to yourself ? Can we know that purpose ? I think it may be best if we don't. I think it may be best if we try to live our lives serving a purpose but not knowing that purpose. God does work in mysterious ways.  

Thursday, April 9, 2015

living in the Village

 It is an old African proverb that says, " it takes a village to raise a child. " I couldn't agree with that more. I would  add that I was fortunate enough to live in such a village. Well, more properly I didn't live in the village, but went there frequently. I lived in the town. For those of you that may not be aware New York state has Cities, Towns, Villages and hamlets. A village may or may not be " incorporated. " Those designations vary from state to state. But I was born in a town and lived in town. The village helped in my raising.
 The proverb itself can be understood to mean several things. I take it literally. I believe that it means that parents alone cannot  raise a child. It takes the combined efforts of a "village" to accomplish the task. The village provides insight and balance. The village represents society in general and demonstrates what is expected of its' citizens. In other words the village will teach us how to act ! The village also provides security and reassurance. The later is the primary function of a community( village), whether that community is large or small. I was very lucky to be a recipient of that security and reassurance.
 I was raised in a town where children were pretty much free to roam. The streets were safe enough and predators were few. The truth is we were never far from supervision. That is the " village " referred to in that proverb. Almost any adult could, and would, step in to supervise your behavior ! That supervision would stop just short of corporal punishment, although it may include a form of mild restraint ! Behavior inconsistent with what was expected was reported to your parents. That was a given and I was well aware of that. Often infractions were reported before I even reached home. Not a good thing for me, at least not at that time, but it was part of my raising.
 I see problems with the youth of today and some of it stems from this lack of a village. The village of today is more likely to be a social media site. This social media also may limit the inhabitants of the village to a select age group, That isn't a good thing either ! Little or no supervision there. I think it is not so much that parents today are using social media and electronic devices as babysitters, as it is what is available. This lack of community has bred an atmosphere of distrust and fostered a good amount of paranoia. Is it justified ? That is a question for sociologists to respond too. I do think one has led to the other. The children of today are certainly more closely supervised in their activities than the children of my generation. Almost all social activities, except social media, includes adult supervision. The difference today is those adults are there to act more as monitors and reporting agencies than assisting in the raising of the children. There are many reasons for that. The least of them being the attitudes of the parents ! In my day what was reported to my parents was taken as fact, unless I could prove otherwise ! If the teacher punished me, I probably deserved it ! If Mr or Mrs X reported some infraction of social standards to my parents, I was punished. Was it 100% fair ? Nope, but I learned a valuable lesson, life isn't always fair either. I learned to be respectful and considerate of others. I learned that others have different opinions and that is alright. I learned that actions have consequences. Whether those actions were words or a physical thing, there were consequences. I would be held accountable. In a larger sense I learned that I was accountable to the entire village. I think that is what is missing today. Too much excusing of behaviors that are unacceptable. Funny how as our world grows smaller the less we interact with one another.on a personal level. I knew the shop owners and my neighbors. When going down the streets I knew the names of the people living in those houses. It was that knowledge that made them homes. You respect peoples homes and property. Today, not so much, nameless faces and houses. We are taught to be wary of strangers. And the sad part is those strangers live next door.
 Just how it came to be I am not sure. Now children riding their bicycles or just playing on the playground unaccompanied by an adult are called into question. The parents " allowing " this are also called into question. When my parents figured I had matured sufficiently to know how to conduct myself I was given permission to wander. At first it was just the neighborhood but over time that was expanded. I became a member of the " village. "  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


 It is something we have all learned over time. Say what people want to hear and your opinion is popular. It is an easy enough thing to do, if you don't care about about your opinion, or topic. The delicate part in the process is in knowing when to just keep your opinions to yourself. I admit it is a skill I have difficulty with. I am opinionated. Some view that as a bad thing. I prefer to think of it as a sign that I am thinking. I never was one much on just parroting other's thoughts or ideas. Is it because I have a controlling nature ? I don't see it, but I wouldn't rule it out either. That is a question for Dr. Phil. Of course, I have an opinion about him as well.
 There is little we can be certain about. All things can be viewed from at least three angles. Opinions are subject to change. It does take an agile mind to be willing to do that. It is only through exercising our mind that it remains so. There are times when you just have to put it out there and try it out. There are times when a retraction is required as well. Growth can only be achieved by cultivating the ground, in this case, our minds. Often the fertilizer for that growth is insecurity. When we present our opinion and others do not agree, insecurity may be the result. Some will react with anger and take a defensive position and others will just crumble and fall. But, I believe, for the majority of us, the rejection of our ideas forces us to think. We begin to question our own conclusions and reevaluate the facts.
 There are times when I have questioned whether the offering of my opinion was a wise decision. Conversely there are times when I feel I must do so. If we all just go along with whatever popular opinion comes along, unrestrained, that can only lead to problems. What is popular is not always what is best. That is because of man's nature. We do tend to take the road of least resistance. We can distort logic to the point of losing sight of reality. Reality can be harsh. The two major influences to altering opinion are simple ones, commerce and popularity. If there is money to be made there are those that will support just about anything. If the popular, or famous people if you will, propose certain opinions or views they will be adopted. I believe that happens when, for reasons I do not understand, people believe the rich and famous have some sort of superior knowledge. I disagree. They are no doubt skilled in their area, acting, singing or whatever but what does that have to do with intellect ?
 The big question in all of this is, does our opinion matter ? Does my opinion matter, in all cases, all the time ? It matters to me. That is the short answer. That is why I offer my opinion. There are times when it does not matter to me and I remain silent. Opinion is the usual basis for conversation. A statement of facts is nothing more than a lecture. Now, I have opinions that I view as fact. I am aware of that. I may offer actual facts in support of that opinion, but it remains an opinion. I am saddened and sometimes angered by those that fail to understand that distinction. Most " laws " are just popular opinion as to what is right or wrong. Are they facts ? No, because they are changed and altered over time and circumstance. Facts remain fact. When a majority of the population just go along with " popular " opinion and do not evaluate things for themselves, individual liberty is sacrificed. The wealthy and the popular run the show. If that matters to you, you should have an opinion. If not, just go along with whatever.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

He chose death

 On the news they are saying the trial is over for the Boston bomber guy. He is guilty, we knew that before the trial began, and all that remains is sentencing. His lawyers are trying to spare him the death sentence. The defense ? His brother told him to do it. I tried that excuse with my father and you know what I heard ? If he told you to jump off the roof would you have done that too ? I mean, really, this is the defense team. Yes, I suppose it is when the person is already guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. The only question is, life or death ? In my opinion he already made his choice, he willingly killed and maimed innocent people. What is good for the goose, is good for the gander !
 This opinion may seem contrary to my Christian belief. Thou shalt not kill. He killed and deserves to be punished for his deed. Should we leave his punishment to God ? It will be. God makes the final judgment, not man. Death is not the end. This man, in my opinion, forfeited his own life by the commision of that crime. He was fully aware of what he was doing and the consequences of those actions. He must be held to account. He must account to society and account to God. It is only through obeying the law that men can co-exist.
 I admit that it is somewhat of a moral dilemma. It is not a decision easily reached. Is the punishment revenge ? Revenge for the loss of life and the maiming of the innocents ? Some may view it in that way. Personally I seek no revenge, but the application of justice. There are consequences for our actions here on earth, and afterward. Man can only decide upon our mortality, not our immortality. It is true that the laws of man cannot replace moral behavior. This man knew that he had no right to kill another man. There is no law that needs to be written to point that out ! Now the law must decide whether he should live. He chose death. Should we do any less ?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Words of the common man

 Most days I put my fingers to the keyboard. I'm thinking that is true for a great many of us. Whether it is on a computer keyboard ,cellphone or even a virtual keyboard our fingers are flyin'. Well, in my case not exactly flying but their speed has increased over the years. There was a time when we put pen to paper in much the same way but no more. These electronic messages we send back and forth I am told are not really ever lost. They can be retrieved on a server somewhere, unless of course that server belonged to Hillary Clinton or the IRS, but I digress. The point is our communications are being saved. I do not believe they will be as permanent as when we put pen to paper however. We have many letters, documents, books and papers from hundreds of years back that have survived, will a server do the same ? I just don't think so. The way our technology changes so rapidly I can't see that happening with everyday stuff. Sure important or historically significant data files will be preserved, probably printed out, but what of the words of the common man ? Will those words too be saved ?
 Some time back I began to copy selected blogs I have written into a notebook. I'm making a " hard " copy for future generations. I've already lost some of my writings and ramblings on old hard drives that have crashed. I was able to recover some and others are lost forever. These writings have no great historical significance or are of any great redeeming value but that is not the point. The point is they are lost. That isn't to say that things in the past weren't lost or destroyed. The Library at Alexandria is one huge example. No one knows what may have been lost there, Various governments have burned and destroyed books. Thing is, in almost all cases something remained, a sole survivor was treasured somewhere. We have learned much from old correspondence. What started out as personal exchanges were then saved and later provided historical reference. Consider the letters home from men off in battle somewhere. What of the seafarers and travelers that have written journals. All these things are valuable. And all of these are the words of the common man.
 I do wonder what will remain fifty years from now. Will you have cards and letters saved ? My Mom does and they are seldom seen, but they are there. Old letters saved. I believe a good portion of us still exchange greeting cards, that business is not in any immediate jeopardy. How many of us save them ? I usually do not, I admit to that and can't really say why. I keep them around for a good while but almost always throw them out, reluctantly. Perhaps I should start to save them, put them in a central location. Would they be of interest to anyone else ? That is something I will have to give thought to. There is something very personal about a person's handwritten card or notes. Even when those same cards and notes say little they are that way, just a signature is personal. I think it may be because that person took the time to do that. Now we can do that a lot more quickly but it is losing it's personality. All type pretty much looks the same. Yes I know you can change the " font ". But a handwritten piece can be identified by that writing alone, if you are familiar with the person doing the writing. I can tell who sent the letter by the handwriting on the envelope. Very difficult to accomplish that with a text message !
 It is these words of the common man that I think about being lost. I have very few of these words myself. I have no example of my Dad's handwriting or that of my brothers. It always seemed like something I could have anytime. These things do not seem important or valuable until, like most things, you can't get them anymore. For all my writing and talking about it I am as guilty as anyone else. I am writing in those notebooks of mine for a selfish reason, I don't want my words lost. I feel a tinge of guilt every now and again when I am doing that. I placate myself but saying one day someone will be grateful that I did. Is it an illusion ? It doesn't matter whether it is or not. I do think it safe to say old books and papers are far more interesting than old computers or I-phones. There will be a day when someone will have to comb through my old papers and books. hopefully they will anyway, and decide what to keep and what to just trash. I wonder what just will be filed away of my life. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Today and everyday ( An Easter sermon )

 Socrates famously said, " The life unexamined is not worth living. " This is the statement that came to my mind this morning as I contemplated the day. It is Easter and I believe the day Christ was risen from the dead. His life has certainly been examined and most assuredly a life that was worth living. In fact it is because of his life that my life has meaning. I will not be defined by my faith, but rather by my words and actions. It is the example of the life led by Christ that is the model for those words and actions. That is not to say I am successful in that attempt, but I am aware. I find myself examining my life constantly. The older I become, the more critical the examination has become,more questions being asked.
 Socrates was a philosopher that questioned everything. It was his method to call into question every little detail and premise. He was concerned deeply with moral behavior. It is that belief that led him to make that statement, " the unexamined life is not worth living " in response to a court proceeding. He was placed on trial and asked if he would remain silent. He was given a death sentence for his failure to agree to  do so, and he remained stoic in the face of that sentence. Jesus Christ did the same.
 In Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 9 it is written, " Only take heed to yourself,and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life, and teach them to your children and grandchildren. " Is that not saying, self examination ?
 I think that is something that we all need to practice more, self examination. That is especially true when it comes to moral behavior. We inherently know right from wrong. It is only when others convince us otherwise that we stray. The serpent in the garden is the first example. More so today than any other time in history we are bombarded with opinion. Who are our " teachers ? " Are we adopting ideas and philosophy based on self examination, the things we have seen with our own eyes, or because these others profess to be experts ? Are you being convinced ?
 I think Socrates was saying that if you allow others to dictate your life, it is not worth living. It is only through self examination that our motives can be determined. When others alter your choice it is their motives that you are acting upon. Your life is not your own. Be diligent in this self examination. You know right from wrong. Can wrong actions be justified ? No, never, that is the deception. Self examination, when done honestly and with diligence, will expose that deception. Stand for your truth with confidence in your heart. Some have had to choose between life and death for that truth. Do not risk your life for another's truth. " Only take heed to yourself,and diligently keep yourself " Are you doing right ? Let today be a new day, a rebirth. Isn't that what self examination will provide ? We all need to improve and before that can happen we need to know where we went wrong. I must find those answers for myself, no one can tell me, and that is the same for everyone. Only you know the truth, are you willing to die for that truth ? Something to consider on this day, Easter Sunday, and everyday.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


 As I browse my facebook timeline, or whatever you call it, I see a lot of familiar names. Names I can place with faces, but faces back in time. Some, I must admit,are faded and some I really don't recall.Well after 45 years it is no wonder. Still I feel a connection with these names and faces. I am drawn to them like a magnet. I walk in the corridors of my memory, sometimes dimly lighted, and find my way.
 Now some of you I knew quite well and some were just casual acquaintances. The ones I knew the best I am curious about. I ask myself, what have they become ? Are they anything like the people I knew all those years ago ? Did they go on to fulfill their expectations and dreams ? There are some that I have thought of quite often in fact. Yes, they were daydreams, little flights of fancy to ease a troubled mind, but thoughts nonetheless. It is a little amusement to think about those things and it does no harm. I can also say I never felt compelled to act upon any of those thoughts. Very pleasant memories of those times and the people.
 In the same line of thought I question myself. What have I become ? That question is one deserving of thought as well. Self examination is important to achieving maturity. I'm not sure I have succeeded in that, but I'm still trying. But to answer the question, what have I become, is an exercise not lightly undertaken. My blogs over the last four years would certainly shed some insight but would not be definitive. That is because there are some things I do not write about and share publicly. The other issue is one of bias, I am definitely biased when it comes to self evaluation. I may have an opinion on the truth, but that is what it is, an opinion. Even when I am sure of the truth I may not wish to share that.
 I can share this much in all honesty. I am not the man I thought I wanted to be, or expected to be, for that matter. We can not control the future and it is those unforeseen circumstances that force our hand. I learned to adapt to my circumstances, even when I was the one that created that circumstance. Stubborn pride. I have found that to be the greatest stumbling block of all. Pride is a foe that is difficult to defeat. What is strange about that is once you have defeated pride, you have no pride at all ! That is not a good thing either.
 We use the expression, " what will become of him or her."  Just what does that imply ? I think it means we are wondering about how that person will be remembered. In the end, that is what we become, other people's memories. We become a memory. It is something we all want isn't it ? To be remembered. But not just to be remembered, but spoken of and admired for the life we lived. What example did we leave ? But this is beginning to sound a little morbid and that is not my intent. My intent was to convey a thought I have and I'm certain you all must also. How did we turn out ? The kids of the sixties from small town USA. What have we become ? We haven't become anything yet, we are still a work in process. I believe our foundations are strong and for that we should all be grateful. The finished product is our own responsibility. Am I " becoming " ? Becoming is attractive, meaning, drawn to. That is what we usually think of when we hear that phrase. It is not that meaning that I had in mind at the beginning of this post. What I hope to have conveyed is how much we have changed over the years. I not sure how " mature " I have become but I am getting older. 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Rambling on

 This is a late posting for me. Circumstances beyond my control prevented by early morning thoughts. Now it is late in the day and my mind is clogged with the days' happenings. Nothing spectacular just a normal day for me. But, much like a computer my mind tends to get cluttered up during the day. I need a good nights sleep to reboot.
 After work today the grand daughters dyed the Easter Eggs. Shyann, Morgan's cousin from the north, New York state, is here visiting during her spring break. They are about the same age and I love seeing them together. Families should be together. Cousin should share a special bond and they are cementing theirs now, although they are unaware of that. It is a relationship I hope they maintain throughout their lives. Shared memories will serve as the catalyst for that enduring friendship. I'm taking lots of pictures and videos.
 The weather was quite pleasant here in Greensboro, warm but with a bit of rain. That's alright, you don't have to shovel rain ! April showers bring May flowers. The daffodils are up and the grass is beginning to green. Next weekend is the little league parade. Yay, parade season begins ! The carnivals and festivals are not far behind. The kids will be out of school before you know it. Maybe I'll get some fishing in this year, last year slipped by without a single bite. Well I get busy sometimes.
 As you can read I don't have much to talk about towards the end of the day. I guess I'm just all talked out. My thoughts do not tend to run very deep at this time of the day. The only thing on my mind right now is ordering a pizza. Has to be plain cheese, no meat today. It is an observance I still do, a tradition. I am not Catholic, nor is my wife but we always observe the no meat policy for good friday. Hey, it can't hurt. Best not to risk eternal damnation over a cheeseburger !
 My guests will be here one more day. Sunday everything returns to normal. The same old routine. Going to order that pizza now, catch you all tomorrow.