As the National Guard patrols the streets of Baltimore and I watch the morning news my mind is occupied. The events of the past week have unfolded and exposed a gaping wound. The city is hurting and so are the people. There are no easy answers to the problems. There are no responses, at this time, that will be satisfactory to all. The underlying issue is one of virtue and morality. It is those attributes that define our character and serve as the motivations for our actions. What we are seeing and experiencing right now are the attempted justification for those actions. It is a clash of culture. It is a culture that few want to recognize as existing. To even suggest that there is a cultural difference will get you labeled as a racist. It has little to do with race, but everything to do with culture. Culture is a very difficult thing to change. Cultural heritage is a phrase we hear often. Pride in your heritage. What is being left out of that discussion is the current culture you live in. If you wish to integrate into a society you must adopt that societies culture and customs. If you do not, you will remain alien to that culture. You will remain separate.
When a segment of a society feels oppressed the result is unrest. That is simple enough to understand. It has nothing to do with race. It is all about attitude and perception. If I perceive myself to be oppressed or underprivileged in some fashion, I am. Any outside influence trying to change that will meet with strong resistance. It is akin to trying to change my religious beliefs. When a segment of society is given " special consideration and/or assistance " does that not then reinforce that same perception ? When programs to " advance " my group exist does that not indicate society feels my group somehow inferior ? Will it not add to the justification of my actions contrary to what the society expects ? We can, because we are different. We should receive, because we are different ? A sense of entitlement being fostered.
All of this speaks to our society. That society is the United States of America. The defining of America and its' values and morality is the fundamental issue in this struggle. There are those that would destroy the Republic that was formed and replace it with something else. Divisions have been created through good intentions. Those same divisions are being exploited in the name of what ? Freedom or entitlement ? The question is, are we still willing to work for what we want ? It is easier to tear down than build up. America was built by those willing to do the work. Yes there were mistakes. We even came close to a complete division at one point. Have we learned nothing from that experience ? Is there more work to be done, absolutely. We must work to come together as Americans. What does an American look like ? What does an American believe ? The answer to the first question is unimportant, the answer to the second, is vital.