Saturday, February 21, 2015

Tell it to the judge

I turn on the news to hear that Krysten Senema has been elected to congress. A democrat from Arizona and former senator, it was emphasized that she is the first openly bi-sexual member of Congress ! Well, my first thought was, this is a person that can't make up her mind, Apparently she is just having sex with everyone and anyone, regardless of gender. Gender identity doesn't seem to be an issue with her. A rather liberal approach to life I would say. I wonder if she as liberal in her politics.
After the initial, what the heck, I thought why is this even being spoken about ? I mean, why do we need to know this ? Is it some badge of honor ? What with all the talk about people's sexual choices and equality these days, shouldn't it be a non topic ? Choosing that lifestyle is not an accomplishment. Is she advertising ? How would the average person even know if she wasn't telling ? It is all very confusing to me. If we are not to judge people based on their sexual orientation then why include it in the description ? They didn't say she authored this bill or law. No mention of any past political accomplishments, just that she was openly bi-sexual. Is that better than being " closed " about it ?
Any of you that have been reading my postings are aware of my personal feelings on this particular subject. Setting those feelings aside I still felt compelled to write my commentary. It appears to me that political figures and others are just going for the shock value these days. In this open display of a lack of conscious, (my opinion) , they are hoping to gain acceptance. Acceptance by those that believe themselves to be " liberal " in their views and beliefs. The same people that believe in their liberal ways that government should provide everything to the people, and that everything we do is a right. The same people that disavow any accountability for their actions. The more outrageous the claims, the greater acceptance by the liberal crowd. Liberals, by their very nature are forced to accept everything less they be labeled conservative. I have no problem with being a conservative. All things in moderation.
So now we have straights,gays and at least one bi-sexual in Congress. A true representation of the American people. In one sense I can see that. In another, what difference does it make ? Are our elected officials' sexual preferences important to the job they are elected to do ? Well, all I can say is this, I'm quite certain all of these groups have been members of Congress before. The only difference being it wasn't openly discussed. Why wasn't it openly discussed in the past ? That question I will leave to you to answer in your own way. I can only say, admitting to an action does not make the action right or justified. But that answer comes from my personal views on this subject. I would just as soon not know, tell it to the judge ! 

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