Friday, February 6, 2015

A " storied " life

Information is of little use if not shared. I have gathered quite a bit of family information over the years and it is rather specialized. Of what interest to the general public could it be ? That is a question I have asked myself on many occasions. How best could I share this information ? It was gathered to satisfy my own curiosity and now resides in a file on the computer, in papers in a folder, and pieces in my mind. Sure, my Mom and sister sometimes ask about a certain thing, or friends may, but the general public ? Of what interest could this information be in that regard ?
I think this information would have to be included in a story. It would be the story that drew the interest and the information just the background. The problem lies in that my family has no great story to tell. We are just average everyday Americans, living average everyday lives. No one is famous or notorious. No serial killers or sensational accomplishments to write about. Just regular people here.
Our story would be the story of the mundane. I can find no central character to build around. I have found dates and events that is true, but no stories. I have family members that served in each and every war this country has been in, no big heroes though. No, just the average service man doing his job as best as he can. I have discovered tragedy in the family, but no more so than other families experience. The tragic loss of life and love. I am certain there was disappointment and regret as well. Of those things there are only clues, followed by speculation. I have no journals to guide my thoughts in that regard. Any story I should write would be made up primarily from my imagination, unless of course, it was my own story. My life, after all , is the only one I know that intimately.
I believe that is true of each of us. Then the question remains, how much of that life are you willing to expose ? It is human nature to want to talk of our successes. Success, unless extraordinary in nature, does not make a good story. Then it only comes off as bragging. Failures however are far more interesting. That is also part of human nature. We enjoy hearing about others failures as long as our own are not pointed out ! That is because we tend to feel somehow superior having not made the same mistakes as another. Or, at the very least, not having anyone know about it. And so there it is, the problem with the story. I do not want to write a story about what my family, or myself, have not accomplished, our failures or shortcomings if you will. The story should be a tale of glorious achievement. But the facts support a different tale. The facts support just an ordinary family, living ordinary lives. What to do with all that information that I have gathered. That is a good question.
I have asked myself of what value has this information been to me ? Other than to satisfy a curious nature, I would have to answer, little. That answer I do find disappointing. I am not sure what I thought the value of gathering it would be. But then does it require any further value than what it already has ? No, I suppose it doesn't. It has served the primary purpose and that was to myself. There is nothing wrong with that.
The urge is there to share that information. Is it a result of wanting to show others what I have accomplished ? The answer would have to be ,yes. Human nature being what it is I can find no other answer. Now I think I need to analyze that information and discover what it is I have learned. The purpose of gathering information is to learn, is it not ? Then having learned something, I should share it. Surely there is a lesson in there somewhere.

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