Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's unclear

It is sometimes a difficult thing to remain calm in a storm. And I believe our country is in a big one. There are just so many issues, of a fundamental nature, that are being called into question that I can view it in no other way. It is hard to not rant and rave and storm about ! Those actions do little good however and may even call your credibility into question. Don't want to look like a nut ! It is just that sometimes the answer is so obvious ! Yet, our government, and others, fail to see the simplicity of the solution. The debate rages on with " expert " testimony and pie charts !
I suppose a lot of this turmoil is just a product of my age. I was raised in different times, with values of a different generation. The current generation of lawmakers and leaders are more and more not of mine. We do have a way of labeling it progress. It is an age old argument and will continue. I am aware of that and try to temper my reactions accordingly. Whenever our fundamental values are called into question that is the result. Mankind has gotten this far, but I'm concerned for tomorrow. That sentiment has been mumbled over the years by generation after generation. I expect it always will.
These are turbulent times. Social unrest is on the rise. A move toward a more " socialist " approach to government is certainly evident to me. The hucksters, pundits and so called scholars may say otherwise but I am not being fooled. All this imposition of " rights " that are not in truth a right at all, is the beginning. We do have, not because of the Constitution, but because of the nature of man the natural right to life, liberty, and property. That was not made up by James Monroe or any other delegates in the continental congress. John Locke spoke of that and many others before him. It was first written down, in at least one form in the Magna Carta. Do you recall that document from your school days ? Those are rights. Any infringement upon those rights is a move toward socialism. The key word was Independence not dependence.
My thoughts are not organized this morning. I'm a little upset with the Little League scandal. To have those children lose a title because of the actions of the adult leadership is just despicable. It has not only affected the children of that team but every team that came into contact with it. If your team was eliminated, in any part, because of a defeat by that team it undermines the whole program. And now Jesse Jackson and others are immediately calling it a racist action ! Those that supposedly are the ones working toward equality being the first to call  race into the question ? What lessons are we teaching these children ? If you cheat it is acceptable if you don't get caught ? If you get caught, call race into question ? Is that the message you really want to send ?
I'm also a little upset with the President asking congress for permission to engage ISIS. That should have been done long ago. Irregardless of that, the congress is debating it. There is talk of " limited " use. Some are calling it " regional " terrorism and that any ground troops should only be from that region. I say when you killed one American, you entered my region. When I bring force against you it will be full force ! Anything else is just a waste of time. Have we learned nothing over the years of these " limited " engagements ?
I will just go to work this morning and try not to get upset. Don't want to look like a crazy old man ! Bad enough to just look old. There are any number of topics I can get fired up about these days. All I can say is, KIDS. Kids are trying to run the country and they do not have the intestinal fortitude to do so. Where or where are the leaders ? Probably playing a video game somewhere or trying to Google the answers. 

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