Saturday, February 7, 2015

Of the mind, not of the flesh

I will attempt to broach a rather touchy subject matter here today. I do not wish to sound like some kind of zealot or preacher but these are my thoughts. I keep seeing all the advertisements for erectile dysfunction and for natural male enhancement. Phrases like " quality of life " and happiness being thrown about. The implication being that without these, shall we say capabilities, ones life is somehow diminished. I see people of both sexes in these advertisements hawking various, treatments, cures and remedies. Far more information than I wish to be a party too. The latest being a treatment for sex after menopause ! Good grief I don't need to hear about all that. Dryness and friction ! Oh my.
I can not help but view these things as a marketing scheme. Let us prey upon the insecurities of the population, especially the older ones. It is a natural thing to want to stay young and live a vigorous lifestyle. The acceptance of diminished capabilities that come with aging is often a tough thing to admit. This is especially so when the media tries to convince you otherwise. Take a pill and feel better. Let us mask the symptoms and they go away. We all know that isn't the truth of the matter but we continue to fool ourselves. And that, to me, is a sign of immaturity. Maturity is something that should be sought after, not avoided.
The greatest pleasures one can experience are those of the mind, not of the flesh. There I said it and it does sound a bit preachy. I do believe it to be true. Love is the greatest gift one can receive. The love from another is a mental thing. The physical expression of love is not necessary to validate that love.
One drug company even states, if it lasts for more than four hours, seek medical attention ! I've never heard if you love someone, for any amount of time, seek medical attention.
I find it amusing at times and at other times contradictory. We hear about being empowered and not letting our sexuality define us. This is especially true with the young women of today. The young men are being taught, with limited success, to not view women as sex objects. Yet, at the same time all these commercials are saying, if you can't have sex for any reason, your quality of life is diminished. In reality they are saying, you are pretty much worthless ! They even have beautiful women showing their disappointment. The implication is clear ! And what's more , you should keep on having sex no matter your age or any physical changes you should experience ! Just take a pill and you are twenty one again ! Well, don't do that if you have a heart problem ! Ask your Doctor first. And I wonder just how he or she is supposed to know ? I mean is there a test for that ?
But I digress. This whole discussion sounds like something from the boys locker room. I don't know what the girls talked about in their locker rooms, but juvenile boys were certainly fascinated with that bodily function. I know some grown men that have never progressed past that point. It is that portion of the population that all this is certainly aimed at. The guy is driving a sports car and it is the time for knowing ! An older couple is drinking wine and dancing in the moonlight, he is taking Cialis, for daily use ! And just what is being implied there ? Every day, really ?
I will not go as far as to say this is an indication of a degenerate society. That would be a bit too evangelistic, even for me. I will say I do think it is a matter that should be discussed in private, not in television commercials. There are certainly many other topics being openly discussed, and approved of, that I could delve into but will not. I will say this, it seems like the 1960's in some ways. Sex, drugs and rock and roll ! Take drugs so you can have sex, smoke some drugs ( legal now ) and listen to some music, you choose. Did our generation ( the baby boomers ) learn nothing from that ? It does make me wonder. Ponce De Leon was looking for the fountain of youth and apparently it can be found through medicine, at least that is the message I'm getting from all of this. I don't think so.
Lasting pleasures come from the mind. Memories of days gone by. The imagination of man is a wonderful gift from God.  Through that I can experience anything I like. I can remember the smile on a childs face at Christmas, and the sounds of the gulls circling overhead. There are great books to read. With age and maturity an appreciation for these things in life is possible. The quality of my life is not dependent upon physical capabilities. The bottom line for me in all of this is simple, grow up.

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