Monday, February 9, 2015

A nice gift

We are a third of the way through February. It was quite warm here yesterday and I saw a glimpse of spring. It was just a tease, I know that but I enjoyed the moment. The weather man on television is showing his map and the snow is falling in Massachusetts ! But I don't live there, I live in Maryland, in Greensboro Maryland to be exact. We do not have any snow on the ground or in the air. I find I do not miss that at all. Yes, I'm gloating just a bit. Yes, I know what goes around, comes around. I don't care ! I will not concern myself with the weather.
I was out shopping yesterday and saw the Easter Bunny. Yup, he was dodging cupids arrows and bounding over those red hearts. Didn't surprise me a bit. The bar-b-que  grills were lined up and the lawn furniture on display. Fairly optimistic outlook. Can bicycles and lawn mowers be far behind ? Oh, and garden supplies,plenty of garden supplies. The bathing suits were on display as well. Now that is optimistic ! It'll be a good while before the ocean or the bay is warm enough for me. I'm no polar bear plunger ! On a good year I may enter the water before the fourth of July, but it is unlikely.
I expect the weather will change and the cold return. I anticipate a snow storm or two. There is nothing to be done about that and so I resign. We are still all subject to the whims of nature. That is something that hasn't changed over millenia. We have made great improvements in being protected from those whims that is true, but even those protections could be destroyed in an instant. Man is a frail creature when compared to nature.
The weather is a topic much discussed. It is a lot like politics, everyone has an opinion. It is also rather unpredictable. We think we know, but then, wham, you're wrong. Man has satellites circling the globe and instruments stationed everywhere, but still things change. In some ways I think the standard greeting, hot enough for you, or cold enough for you, is acknowledgement to that fact. Common ground that neither can control or predict. There is no answer that is unacceptable. Whatever the response it can be debated or agreed upon. That is because it makes little or no difference to the person doing the asking. I really don't care if you think it is hot or cold. It makes for non controversial conversation. Why ? Because there isn't a thing you can do about it ! It really is as simple as that. Nature has a way of imposing her will.
Well, I bought my valentines and admired the new line of lawn furniture. I did enjoy the warmth of the day. The promise of spring was in the air. I must remember to be patient. Each day is a gift, as the old adage goes, that is why they call it the present. Yesterday was an especially nice gift. I need to remember something that my Mom told me. When you receive a gift, smile, be thankful and accept it gracefully, even the ones you do like ! It is the thought that counts. Each day we arise and face the morning it is a gift. Smile, be thankful, and accept the day. Not bad advice.

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