Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Who's to blame

What are professional sports teams doing to prevent domestic violence. That was the teaser to the story. As often happens with me the teaser just left me scratching my head. It left me befuddled. So much so I didn't listen to the story proper. My only question is, why should anyones' employer be responsible for the private actions of its' employees ? I mean, what does playing football,baseball,hockey or basketball have to do with domestic violence ? Do professional sports in some way promote it ? I don't think so, so why should they be held to account ? It sounds like another attempt to shift responsibility. It is not the players fault, the league didn't do enough to prevent it. When I next looked at the news report a professional football player was speaking, tears running down his face, his speech choked up, telling how he was a survivor of domestic violence ! A survivor !
As I said, I didn't listen to the entire story, but rather caught snippets of it as I was talking to my wife. There was a general feeling that the leagues should be educating the players concerning this issue. Isn't that the job of the parents ? Just what are you talking about ? You're an elite athlete and we admire your skills, so much so we pay millions of dollars for your services. We understand you have been to college and possess a degree, but you shouldn't hit your wife,girlfriends or children ! Geez coach, I didn't know that ! Gimme a break will ya. Just what do people expect the teams to do ? In the case of the Baltimore Ravens and Ray Rice, the incident that sparked this " discussion " the Ravens now support the House of Ruth. The house of Ruth provides shelter and counselling to victims of domestic abuse. A noble cause and one worth supporting. The thing is, prior to this incident the Ravens didn't give any aid or support to this organization. Now they claim they are doing their part to combat domestic violence. A bit of a transparent attempt don't you think ? More like a public relations thing to me. Whatever, as long as the House of Ruth benefits it is fine with me, but that is not the point.
Should your employer be responsible for, and dictate your private life ? If so what of other issues ? What if I become an alcoholic ? Should my employer have to provide rehabilitation and continued support ? What if I suffer from anxiety ? OMG, Chic Filet had an issue with the public due to the owners stand on gay marriage. There were outcries to boycott and censure that employer. Is it only the private issues that the general public agree with that these employers should " teach " and support ? Should not the " discussion " be about personal accountability ? Your employer is not responsible for your private actions ! Period, end of that discussion. You will be held accountable for actions deemed inappropriate by your employer. The employer is not responsible for modifying your personal behaviors. Is that hard to comprehend ? I don't think so.
It is my opinion that all this is getting out of control. The shifting of blame and/or responsibility to deflect personal shortcomings. Making excuses has become an occupation all it's own. It is bordering on the ridiculous. It is not my fault I got lung cancer, the cigarettes caused it. The fact that I smoked them is irrelevant ! When I took that first puff and choked and gagged, just a little bit, I thought that was a good thing, I just kept on doing it. Not my fault. I drank too much liquor and got sick. It was the fault of the alcohol. McDonalds gave me coffee that was too hot !
Now with this thing about professional sports teams having to educate their players about domestic violence. It has little to do with that issue and everything to do with the bottom line. It is costing the league money ! Can't have that now can we ? Millions of dollars are at stake. What to do,what to do ? Well ,we could say how appalled we are that domestic violence even exists in our world. Then, having made it clear to the public that we do not support that, we can include clauses in the contracts. If you are accused of that, immediate dismissal is the result, without the possibility of arbitration or appeal ! We will say that we will try harder in the future to prevent this sort of thing from happening. We will even throw a few bucks in that general direction.
Call me a skeptic if you will. Say I am jaded. Whatever. To me this whole debacle is just another example of shifting responsibility. You, and you alone are responsible for what you do ! The perpetuation of this twisted logic is just wrong. I hit my wife and it is the fault of my employer ? Yeah.

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