Tuesday, December 23, 2014

It'll be alright

With everything going on at this time of year one can get stressed. There is the pressure of wrapping those gifts and making sure everything is just right. Really it is not that bad if you prioritize things. That's what I try to do. Truth is, I'm not one to get stressed much in the first place. The pressure of a deadline has never been much of a motivator for me. Those that are familiar with me and my ways know I am likely to say, " it'll be alright. " I do say that a lot. I have found that in most cases, it is !
There are some projects that I have started that remain unfinished. I really enjoy being able to say, I'll finish that up next year. Seems like I have a longer time that way. I always have liked corny jokes and puns. With 2015 staring directly at me I can only smile about that. 2015 somehow doesn't seem real. Why does it sound so much different than 2014 ? It almost like the difference between 99 cents and one dollar. One dollar sounds like a great deal more. Well, time marches on, seems more like it is running though.
If you are one of those that follow by blog postings you know that my brother passed away. Sadness fills my heart and it is especially poignant given the season. I am reminded of the reason we celebrate. I believe my brother will be at the party. I think there must be a party in heaven. Joe Cocker will be there as well, that was in the morning news. I'm not certain my brother was a fan of his. I am aware that since my own birth this will be the first year my brother is not on this earth. We didn't always get to share the holiday together, but we usually spoke on the phone. Not this year. He will be with me in spirit.
We will all be celebrating a birth. Let us not forget that. That should be the priority. Celebrate and be grateful for the gift that is Jesus. It'll be alright, That was a promise given to man on Christmas day and one that will be fulfilled. We need only remain strong in our faith. No need to stress out. 

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