Tuesday, December 16, 2014


This is a picture of Mark,my grandson, visiting his Pop-Pop. It is a picture that cannot help but touch your heartstring. Such an old soul in a young man. He prefers to sit alone and speak his mind, or is it quiet contemplation ? I can't say as I have never asked. Maybe this picture is so poignant because of the grey skies. Maybe it is the Christmas wreath upon his grave. As with many pictures the memories it evokes is a personal thing. I know the thousand words.
I did mention to Mark that I had seen this picture. I asked him if he would come to visit me after my passing. He said, he would. I said to him, you can ask me " what's up " and I'll say, " not me " and that should freak you out. We enjoyed a chuckle together. I have always told him not to be sad for those who have passed, but be happy for them. Sorrow is for those left here on earth, the deceased are not sad. Sometimes those words may sound hollow and that is understandable. It is only human nature to mourn the loss of those we love. I think Mark understands that and that is why the conversations with his Pop-Pop. He is just checking in, confident that his Pop-Pop is doing well.
The loss of his maternal grandfather was the first loss he experienced. I can understand how he feels. It was my great grandfather that I lost first and the impression left on me was lasting. I remember having to leave the service, grief overcoming me. I did not go to the cemetery for the burial and would not go afterwards for many years. Mark dealt with his pain the complete opposite. He not only attended the ceremony, he spoke at it. And he spoke with eloquence ! He brought me to tears and we cried together. In that instant Tom was forever Pop-Pop and I grandpa. The significance is not lost.
There are moments in time that will remain with us. It is those moments that are the treasures in life. Indelible and infinite. It is a comfort to know that I will be visited. You are never gone as long as someone mentions your name. I believe that. What stories will I hear in the years to come ? Hopefully ones I can respond to ! I like to talk more than listen. Still, it is a comfort to just listen sometimes. 

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