Thursday, December 11, 2014

Listening to the Christmas tree

It is a tradition with me. A personal tradition one might say, if there is such a thing. I suppose you could label it a quirk. Whatever the case may be it is something I do each year. I listen to the Christmas tree. Some of us may see the tree as a symbol at the end of another year. I see it as a beginning and a fixture of a birthday party. Yes, instead of cake, Jesus gets a tree. It is sort of a strange merging of  separate concepts. And the thing is, the tree speaks to those who listen.
Now I'm not saying the tree is Jesus. Don't go getting any crazy notions like that. I am saying that both speak to us, if we but listen.
Now just when this tradition began I can't say exactly. I do recall that at some point in my childhood my Mother told me about listening to the Christmas tree. Turn out all the lights, except those on the tree, and turn off the television or radio. Just sit in the quiet and the in the glow of that tree and listen. Soon you will hear. You just have to listen. What do I hear ? Well, at times I hear the laughter of children on Christmas morning, my own included, and at other times I hear entire conversations. The tree catches me up on the events from the last year. A sort of therapy.
This year I discovered something new. A real tree speaks louder. I know that because the last two years I have had an artificial tree. I used all the excuses. A real tree is expensive, they makes a mess, they can be a hazard and it is only the two of us, no kids. Yes, I became complacent. I had intended to do the same again this year, then my wife saw them, real trees only in tabletop size ! We circled the block and went back to the store that was selling them. Struck me funny that it was a liquor and lottery store. You know the kind, probably owned by a Pakistani. Not a business associated with Christmas. I bought one about three feet in height. I placed it in the back seat of the car. That was easy. When I got it home I went old school and built a wooden stand. The traditional cross shaped type, like on Charlie Brown. I set it up on a snack table and " viola " it's Christmas ! A few lights, a ribbon or two and the Angel on the top. That very evening the tree began to speak ! Even before I had things turned off, that tree was almost screaming at me. Well, maybe that is a bit of exaggeration but I could hear it.
Maybe it is the smell of that fresh cut spruce. Maybe it has something to do with building the stand. I don't know but that little tree sure brightened my home. Just like the presence of Jesus will do in your life. Yes, and both speak to you if you but listen. Is that what my Mom was trying to tell me ? Could be, I'll go with that. God hears even those who whisper, no shouting required. He also speaks, quietly and gently. The tree reminds me of the season. It also serves as a reminder of why we celebrate. A new birth, a new beginning. It is wise to review the past before proceeding into the future. Makes sense to me.
Can you hear it ? 

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