Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Atonement ?

Yesterday I wrote about my grandson visiting his pop -pop at the cemetery. That led me to thinking. What if we are the visitors ? I mean, suppose earth is like a big cemetery, just a stopover on a cosmic journey ? Where we go next is determined by our choices while we are here. Or is it that we are being given a chance to change our ways ? Terrestrial life as a means of atonement ? Well, that just opens the door to more questions now doesn't it ? But would that then change the entire scenario ? I would have to say, not really. I say that because the goal remains unchanged, to live a good and productive life. Our primary mission here should be to help our fellow man, or at the very least, to do him no harm. Co-existence is the goal.
The Greeks had that same idea in a way. I think that is why they had so many gods they could appeal to. They looked for help and believed they received it. I believe there is but one God and he can help me. Well, he will help me help myself. Yes, I believe in miracles but when they occur it is, miraculous ! Hence they don't happen to the same person everyday. That is part of the free will concept. Is this life an opportunity ? Yes it certainly is. That is my opinion.
We often question why we lost someone. This is especially true for the young. It is difficult to understand. Why are some taken from us in tragic ways ? Why do others stay for a hundred years or more ? Why should our visit be so brief or so lengthy ? Is there a significance in that ? Does there need to be ? Ah, but these are the questions man has always strived to answer. I'm no different and do not profess to have the answers. I do take a certain comfort in believing that this earth is just a temporary layover. This is not the beginning or the end. My Bible tells me that is the providence of God.
I do question why we tend to think of this life as a sort of trial. We are told we will go to our final reward. Is this the final phase ? How can we understand the vastness of the universe and the possibilities there ? Perhaps this life is just a brief period of transition. The speed in which we pass through indeterminate.
I would have to say we must be visitors. Not one of us remain here forever. Seems clear enough when looked at in that way. Eternal life is the goal, is it not ? That is the promise that we have been given. Do we then need to " earn " that promise ? Do we need to prove ourselves worthy ? Is submission to a higher power essential ? The answer to those questions are the foundations of faith. Is this life an atonement or a reward ? My answer is, a reward. And we should be grateful for that reward. Then the only question left is, to whom do we owe that gratitude ? The answer is as individual as the soul that carries the question. I have my answer, hopefully you have found yours.

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