Monday, December 29, 2014

Wrappings and trappings

When do you take down Christmas ? In the last few years it has been on New Years day. That wasn't always the case as in the past I may not have been feeling too " chipper ". Thankfully those days are behind me. I have already removed the outdoor decorations. I took advantage of an unusual warm spell to accomplish that. Not that I have much that I put out there this year. I have been downsizing.
I woke up, put on the coffee and sat down at my computer. The christmas tree is to my right and I chose not to plug it in this morning. That is when I noticed it. The tree now has a brownish tint and looks a little droopy. It doesn't look near as cheery as a few days ago. The needles are still clinging to the branches, but barely. I'm thinking it is time for it to go.
Just past that little tree, arranged on an end table, in my Nativity set. A few years back Mark and I built a stable. The table is covered with straw and the scene had been set. All the porcelain figures were carefully placed. A homemade star shines above it. Yesterday We had a young visitor, Oliver. Oliver is just past a year old and curious about everything. He saw the Nativity scene and investigated. He moved the figurines about a bit and then set them down. Now they look like they are leaving ! Maybe that is a sign to pack it away until next year.
I have various decorations about the house. They have been there long enough now that they go unnoticed. Oh how quickly we assimilate things into our everyday living. I will have to take a good look around when packing away those decorations, it is easy to miss a few. The Christmas cards I received in the mail will be taken down and discarded. I always feel a little sad doing that, but can not think of a reason to save them either. You would think with all my pictures and interest in genealogy that I would be the one saving this stuff, but I don't. Maybe I should ? Something to consider.
Well the holiday season is coming to a close. Valentines is next up. No grandchildren in elementary school this year, so no cards. I may or may not put up a window cling of cupid.Valentines isn't much of a celebration. A box of chocolates and a flower or two ! I love you too, and let's move on. It is just a hallmark holiday anyway. Then the Easter bunny makes his appearance. That part of the holiday has gone by the wayside as well. The kids are a little old for that  but still enjoy the candy ! Easter remains more about the religious and that is a good thing !
This past year has had its' up and downs like all others. It seems like it had more downs near the end. To tell you the truth I am a little anxious to take down Christmas this year. I'm ready to get on with a new year. I hope that is only a temporary feeling related to the events of this past year. I wouldn't want to turn into some old scrooge. I do believe, all things in moderation, even celebrations. It begins to be not so special if carried too far.
The bottom line here is, the gift has been offered. It is now up to us to accept that gift. It could not have been presented in a more humble fashion. We have turned it into a spectacle ! The original intent was to celebrate this amazing gift and I believe that intent exists today. Let us not forget that and get caught up in the trappings. It would be easy to just get " wrapped " up in the whole celebration thing and forget the true meaning. We must remember to unwrap that gift and admire it. The most important part of the gift is in the giving. Those receiving must be accepting. Do not get caught up in the wrappings and trappings ! Celebrate rather the gift itself.

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