Thursday, August 7, 2014


There are times when reading the postings of others that I am taken aback. I am struck by their frustration,anger and despair. I sense this in their words. I feel empathy towards them, yet say nothing. I wouldn't want to add to that cauldron. Like screaming into a stiff wind these voices are barely audible, but urgency is in their cries. When this happens I am reminded, reminded of my own shortsightedness. I sometimes cannot see the obvious, or refuse to admit to that reality. Resignation is a difficult prospect for me. I can see this struggle for resignation in those postings.
I do not write this as a condemnation of those words. I write this as a form of therapy and perhaps it will prove therapeutic to others. If this posting only touches one other, and brings a measure of comfort, the time spent typing was well used. I find myself, in my advancing years, becoming a bit more observant of the human condition. I struggle with concepts I once thought trivial or unimportant. I can now see the struggles of others more clearly. Motives are more evident.
This is especially true when it comes to loss. I find that emotion captured often in postings. Not in just the loss of life, but the loss of the past,a place, or a time. The reaction to sadness is sometimes anger. We become angry for the things we cannot change. We question ourselves. Could we, should we have done more ? Second guessing our past is not productive. If we spend our time and energy doing that, we are perpetuating the cycle of sadness and anger. There is a time to just resign.
It is a futile thing to wish for the past. It is gone. Remember it and embrace those memories but realize they are gone. You, nor I, can bring those times back. The time to move on is often a painful realization. Reluctance is the word to describe it. It is one thing to be reluctant,quite another when it turns to stubborn determination. The ability to distinguish this is the basis for this struggle. The struggle is to either accept what is, change it, or just resign. We must choose.
There are times and circumstances that are forced upon us. We had no input, no say so whatsoever. Some would call it fate or destiny. I would call it life. When that happens we must choose. We don't get to choose the event, just our reaction to that event. It may be a sudden occurrence or one that creeps up over a long period of time, either way the event must lead us to action. Inaction causes frustration. Frustration leads to anger. Anger leads to sorrow, bitterness and hate.
We all feel this way at times. The proof of that is in those postings. They come from all directions and no one is immune. It is a normal thing. I would say that these postings should lead us somewhere. I would hope they lead to understanding. If we are to be what we say we want to be, we had best be paying attention. That definitely applies to me ! The truth is we all must " read " this for ourselves. That is why I do not say anything in response to those types of postings. Self awareness is the motivator for change, or at least it should be.
But, then again, there are those that just like to complain. I've been known to do that and so do not exempt myself from that statement.
There are things we cannot change. Those are the times we need to resign. Resignation is not quitting. Resignation is the acceptance of  reality. With acceptance comes understanding and from that, empathy. I will repeat what I have said regarding empathy, Empathy is Silent. When I understand, I am silent, no words need to be said. I think anger is nothing more than the search for understanding. The anger I read is not directed at me nor anyone else in particular, that anger is directed at life. Life doesn't have to be a struggle but we tend to make it that way. Ah, the human condition, it is, after all, what we make it. 

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