Friday, August 8, 2014

Being Anxious

At various points in our lives we wish for different things. When we are little we wish for candy and toys. After a bit ,we want to grow up. Then we want to graduate from high school, go to college and continue from there. Each of us choosing our own path. Each of us having different desires and ambitions. Some of us want to get married and have children, others want careers. We adjust,adapt and reevaluate. It is all a natural progression. Happens to everyone.
I think this has become a bit more difficult than in years past. Our roles today are not as easily defined. We are being told that we can be whatever we want to be, and that is fine. That was not always the case. As few as thirty or forty years ago the attitude was a bit different. For those of us of a certain age it doesn't take that much thought to realize that. We do not require examples, we were the examples. Consider simple things, like hairstyles. It has to be pretty extreme to gain attention these days. When I was much younger all you had to do was let it grow ! That was pretty radical. Same goes for fashion, and it was pretty much true as far as professions went too. Yes, there were aberrations, as there always will be, but they certainly weren't celebrated. Another thing we seem to do a lot more of these days, " celebrating " everything we do. In the past it was just the norm. But then, we knew what was expected. Made things a lot easier. Some would argue that it limited our choices and a case could be made for that view. I'll leave that up to the philosophers. Now that is a job I really want, come to think of it, Philosopher. All you have to do is sit around and think about stuff. Sounds perfect.
We all live our lives as we see fit. We do as our morals and desires compel us. I believe we all share some basic desires and needs. It is only the method we choose to obtain those desires and needs that separate us. The things that we want and the things we hope for. Love,money,security,friendship and a fulfilling career. Perhaps a family and watching our children grow. To see the grand children become young adults. Do you want world peace ? All the ideals that we once embraced and the ideas discarded over time, those things are transient.
As for me, just for myself alone, I would settle for two things. I want to wake up each day anxious to live it, and  I want to die healthy. If I manage those two things, I  have lived a wonderful life. That is because I believe when you are young you are anxious, anxious to live. That is why you want to grow up and do all those things you dream about. You just can't wait ! Isn't that a wonderful thing, to be anxious for each day ? No matter what the day may bring, good and bad, you should be anxious for it.
The other thing is no one wants to be sick,no one wishes for that. We will all die, that cannot be avoided, might as well die healthy. That is what I think anyway. Subject to change.

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