Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Living in the kitchen

Yesterday, as I writing about the kids and going back to school I wandered into the kitchen, not physically but figuratively. I mentioned the time we had spent baking cupcakes and cookies. As often happens when I write my stories I have several other thoughts happening at the same time. It is a struggle at times to stay on topic. See, wandering off already, but back to the kitchen. I was remembering the time I spent in the kitchen with my Mom and Grandma.It is safe to say I did most of my growing in those kitchens. It is where I did my homework, ate my meals, and hung out there. This was long before cable television,video games, cell phones, I-pods and all those distractions. The kitchen table was the work table for projects. Need to build a paper mache volcano ? Kitchen table. Got a problem you need to discuss ? Kitchen table. The kitchen table was the heart of the home. It is where it all came down.
Have we moved from the kitchen ? Now it seems we spend our time elsewhere. In the family room or living room. Homes generally do not have large kitchens anymore. If they do, it is an advertised feature. Now we just settle down in the family room. That is where the television is and access to the internet. Most have wi-fi now so that area is expanding. We are scattered about. We spend more time on our " connected " devices that making connections with each other. I would say technology has caused this exodus from the kitchen. A real shame and a loss I believe that it is having negative effects. More than our bodies were nurtured in those kitchens, our minds and souls were as well.
The kitchen was the center of the home due to practicality. It was warm in there, the work table was there and it was spacious. Those old coal stoves in the corner provided warmth the year round. Granted you didn't always want that in those summer months, but when the air turned chilly, it was the place to be. The kitchen always smelled good too ! Lingering aromas long before Yankee Candle made apple pie and ginger spice. Where was Mom ? Most likely in the kitchen. Washing and ironing was done in the kitchen, not just cooking. If you had a dining room it was used for, dining. That is where the good table was, the one you couldn't draw on, paint on or even lean on ! You had best not scratch that table ! Don't mess up that room either. Laundry rooms had not been thought of yet. Ironing in the kitchen, you say ? Sure, my grandmother used those old flat irons, the stove was in the kitchen and that's how you heated the iron. Practical enough and no cords !
All of that is lost to history now. Just memories for some of us, and tales from the past for others. My own grandchildren know a little bit about the kitchen. I wish they knew more. I'm certain they will remember baking cookies and cupcakes with grandma. We have assembled a few projects in the kitchen. But my kitchen, like most modern day kitchens, is rather small and not designed to be lived in. I rather miss that. I hadn't given it any thought until yesterday. When my mind wandered into the kitchen, I became aware. I have been told about this and have probably even read an article or two about it. As I said, I'm not the first, but now I am aware. The question is, is this nostalgia, or was it the reality ? Does it matter ? No I would say it doesn't really matter at all but brings a smile to my face. When I remember the love,warmth and laughter in the kitchen, I smile. Wasn't a bad place to be raised, just like that bread on the counter. We were kneaded, formed, covered and kept warm. Once raised we were ready, metaphorically sent into the fire. The fire we call life. I do think we were better prepared back then. Maybe it was better ingredients. Or was it that the workplace was more suited to the task ? Something to think about.
The kitchen wasn't just for raising bread, it was for raising families.

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