Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Understanding the mood

I awoke this morning to find myself in a contemplative mood. Perhaps it was caused by listening to the rain. Maybe it has something to do with yesterdays postings on Facebook. Who knows what brings these moods on ? I feel quiet and calm. It is not a bad thing but not a buoyant feeling either. Well we can't be all happy all the time. There are those that try, but that is another discussion.
I read of the suicide of Robin Williams. Anytime someone takes their life it gives one pause. Just goes to show that no matter, fame and money, happiness can be an elusive thing. Many will ask why, but there is no answer to that question. Those that commit that act, I believe, are beyond reason and therefore there is no reason. It can not be explained.
I have been watching the events in the middle east. Those events will cause consternation and well they should. Beheading's and other atrocities. Terrorists and extremists. Entire populations being used as pawns. A humanitarian crisis happening before our very eyes. These are things that may cause this contemplative state of mind.
I find myself wondering if there is any action I should be taking. Is there anything I can do ? The question is really, do about what ? Is it the mood I want to pass, or should I be making some contribution to the resolution of these issues ? What can I do about terror or suicide ? I think the only actions I can take to deal with these things is to remain calm. I can try to keep my life going forward as it always has. Outward displays of frustration,anger or feeling helpless will accomplish nothing. Remaining steady is the challenge here.
Yes this morning I am contemplative, not reflective , that is another mood altogether. I think to contemplate is to think about those things that you have no control over, reflective thinking is about the things you could have changed. A huge difference.
One thing I have learned over the years is that contemplation often leads to discussion. The only thing is to find the other person that has been contemplating the same things. Sometimes that person is yourself ! Nothing wrong with that and it does avoid disagreements. This mood will pass, probably by noon. Life goes on. Socrates said, " a life unexamined is not worth living " and who could argue with him ? I believe we also need to examine the world around us. Sometimes that is the only action that needs to be taken. We do need to understand our moods and where they fit in. With that understanding comes appropriate actions. That is one portion of finding happiness and hope. Faith plays into this equation as well. Faith is, reflective. Reflective thinking can offer solace for those things we contemplate. In fact I would conclude that it is essential. A secular society can not survive long. Relying solely upon ourselves we will fail. There are times to just proceed on faith. That is another topic for another day. Today, for now, I will just contemplate. Something more of us should be doing, more often.

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