Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Grandmas kitchen

The kids go back to school here in Caroline County Maryland next week. This summer has gone exceptional y fast. Starting next week the whole dynamic changes. Schedules change and so does planing. The thing is for me this year my Morgan, my Granddaughter goes off to middle school. No more elementary school for her or me ! I'll miss that old elementary school. We made some fine memories together. I enjoyed my Granddaughter, too. All that is behind us now. Now it is lockers in the hallway and no recess ! This year we begin to face those adolescent years. Oh the drama awaits.
At the end of the school year, the end of elementary I had written a blog called cupcake memories. I posted that with sorrow and hope for the future. I spoke of the time we had spent making cookies and cupcakes to take to school. I will miss that. Morgan was asked to address the student body at last years graduation ceremony. I remember her saying these words, " you cannot read the next chapter if you keep rereading the last " and thinking what a profound statement that was from a fifth grader. Technically I suppose she was a sixth grader at that time. It was at that time that she turned the page. Now she will begin to write the next chapter in her book.
Her brother Mark begins his last year of middle school. He is the " senior " class at Lockerman middle school. The big dog ! This year will be all ho-hum for him . I'm sure it will be a great year for him. Who doesn't enjoy being the senior ? He has grown in stature and maturity over this brief period we called summer. I'm looking forward to big things from him. Time has begun to accelerate for him as well. Time to get serious.
Yes it will be a different school year for Grandma and I. No one to put on the bus. After school visits will be optional. I expect we will only see them when they are out of school for weekends and holidays, unless, of course they get hungry. They know Grandmas kitchen is always open. And it is with that thought that hope exists. Most children are raised in the kitchen. It is one place in the home where a great deal of learning takes place. At least it was for me, and so far for the grandkids while they are here. We are not just baking cookies and cupcakes. An awful lot of love and learning is done there. I'm hoping that it continues. I know that it will.
So, the next week we turn the page and begin again. Children measure time in school years. Their parents measure time by holidays. Now Grandparents, we have a different measure of time. Our time is measured by milestones and stages. Time runs in review. It does cause consternation at times. When the review appears to be closer to our own milestones we want it to slow down a bit. Yes this middle school stuff is going to upset the routine. Elementary is really over, reality sets in. Morgan is anxious, Mark is complacent and Grandpa is nostalgic. I want a do over. Had even considered making cupcakes for the beginning of the school year. Might do that yet.  

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