Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Living past the music

It happens to each generation and it has happened to mine. To be more precise I should have said, it happens to every individual at different times but every generation. There comes a point where their genre of music, or even several, change. I watched, briefly, that Country Music Festival on television last night. What I saw was aptly described by someone else as , " Bro country " ! Well, I'll say it, it ain't country ! All those screaming guitars and screaming vocals combined with the " outfits " are just too much. They sell records, I'll give them that, but it isn't the country music I know. Crap ! I seem to have outlived country music,and that is old.
Country music, once known as Country and Western, apparently the west has left, symbolized a lifestyle. As Barbara Mandrel said all those many years ago, I was country when country wasn't cool. Those lyrics would have to be revised today to say, I was country before everyone else was down with it. This style of music was generally considered Americas music. It was the songs and stories of everyday people. Many jokes and generalities could be made about it and I have heard them all. No matter, it is what I like. If this so called  " country " music that I saw last night is an indication of America, we are in big trouble. And it is that statement that brings us back to my opening line. It happens to each generation. I hear myself saying it, I understand how it sounds, and yet I'm saying it ! I have become my own Grandfather. The soundtrack of my life has begun to repeat. I do wonder why this happens ? There comes a time when we just no longer embrace the " new " stuff. Oh, there are those that make an attempt at fooling themselves and they just look foolish. Think a Grandma in Yoga pants, it's current, it's stylish, it is not for most Grandma's. No offense to any Grandmas out there, I'm just sayin'. Hey, Grandpa don't look too great in a muscle shirt and cargo shorts either.
It does seem to me that there is a " graying " in America. I'm not talking about aging however, I'm talking about a lack of definition. There are just so many gray areas in society. We all hear about acceptance and tolerance, which are good things, noble sentiments, but the reality is only my way is the tolerant way. That is what I hear. If you do not agree with me you are obviously a bigot, or have some type of phobia !  Too many people trying to be something they are not. I was a lot more comfortable with the times when we all knew our roles. I didn't see anything wrong with that. I didn't see it as a limiting thing. It sure isn't that way anymore. I didn't have a problem with right and wrong. There was right, and there was wrong. Now there is, what ? A questioning ? More like a lack of commitment in my opinion. Aaron Tippin said, you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything and I'd say that pretty well sums it up. Just when did we go from standing up for what we believe, to just standing up for whatever.
Well that is quite a mouthful from watching ten or fifteen minutes of that festival. I do not have a problem with those that enjoyed it. I'm not saying anyone is wrong here. What I am saying is, one day it will happen to you. You will not understand until it does. Until then, rock on or whatever it is you're doing.

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