Friday, April 5, 2013

The truth of the matter

It has been suggested that I submit some of my writings for publication. Very flattering words to hear. They both humble and inspire me. Like a lot of others I dream about writing a book one day. Perhaps the great american novel. An instant classic. Perhaps not. But I do think we all have important things to say and stories to share. Over our lifetimes we gather these stories and gather information. They are collected by experience. The variety of experiences vary with each of us. Whether you are a world traveler, or have never left your hometown. Are you a scholar or a simple man ? No matter really, you do have something to say.
The problem lies in that for most of us the stories are fragmented. We only learn the truth in pieces and for most, we never put the pieces together. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle the pieces are laid before us, the picture is there, but we just don't put it all together. Oh we start on the edges, the straight pieces are easier, but the heart of the picture is much more difficult to see. Much more difficult to organize.
I am still searching for the pieces to complete the picture. I don't have a box top to see what it should look like. I hesitate to put the picture out there for fear it is incomplete. Unfinished works do not get published. The fear of rejection is also a factor. I would be less than truthful if I said anything else. It is true I will never know if I don't try, but I'm not convinced I want to know.
I think the real question is, how important is it to you ? At this point I think I will be satisfied with writing these blogs. There original intent remains unchanged. A written record of my thoughts and memories for my descendants to read and enjoy. How important is it to me to share these same thoughts with the rest of the world ? Other than a measure of vanity and possible monetary reward, not very important. I think that is why I haven't pursued publication. Some may call it fear,some may say I'm lazy, and some would agree I'm just not that great a writer. All are true statements. Motivation lies at the core of any endeavor. It is also true persistence reaps rewards.
I have a reluctance to try. Why ? Because I don't want it said that I submitted my stuff and it was rejected. The fear is not in one rejection or two, but in total rejection. I just don't want to seem foolish or vain. Who would know, you ask ? I would. Pleasing others should be a goal we all strive for, but often we do things just to please ourselves. This would be one of those things. I wouldn't want to disappoint myself. And that is the truth of the matter.  


  1. Fear of rejection ..... I don't believe it. You obviously are motivated to write. Just because this blog is a small audience is no reason not to sail larger waters. "Ships are safe in the harbor .... but they are built for the sea"; I learned that at the EH Presbyterian church. You have a goal of writing for posterity; what better way than to be published; those books wind up in libraries to found ..... Your "manuscript" is fragmented by topics but that is part of the work before you. You can "dream" about writing a book; but I submit to you that you already have; it just needs editing and "cut, copy and paste" organization. Mark Twain wrote plainly and copiously but I'll bet it was hell on him organizing it all; some of his stuff is still unpublished. Set to sea Bonacker; adventure awaits; writing books is not for the faint-hearted.

  2. The suggestion was for publication, right? It didn't indicate writing a complete book, if I read it correctly. You could start with an article or two for a magazine. Target your audience. If you submit your blog entry about sell by dating, for example, how about sending to a magazine for 'foodies' know, people who cook for a living or just like to cook or those who HAVE to cook to keep their families fed. There's a market, I'm sure, for your comical opinions of serious subjects. Yes, you may set yourself up for a rejection letter or two. So what have you got to lose? If you are trying to set words down for those who may read your opinions in the future, your family members, etc., it's already done. Why not take a chance and give some other folks the opportunity to enjoy the world as you see it?
