Thursday, April 11, 2013


Not so many years ago it was a subject you never heard about. Perhaps some had a very private conversation with their personal physician about it. Then, all at once it was on television ! The little blue pill. Quickly becoming a subject of numerous jokes. That was a sign of the uncomfortable nature of that discussion. The advertising has progressed to," this is the age of knowing." At first the pill was only used for those " special moments, when the time was right " but now we have cialis, for everyday use. You can be ready at any time, because you just never know. That probably came about as a result of wives having too many headaches. With the little blue pill apparently you do know. Although, should that condition exist for more than four hours one should seek medical attention immediately. Oh yeah, have your heart checked before using these products, or you may not live four hours.
There is much more information on this subject contained in the advertisement for these products than I care to know. Guess I'm old fashioned in that regard, some subjects are best left to private discussion. Talking about such things does not make me feel grown up. This is an area that requires discretion and the proper time and place. Ads during prime time television do not meet those standards as far as I'm concerned.
These products have been advertised heavily. The implication being without there use my quality of life is inferior to others that either use the product, or have no need for the product. My views on that are private and will not be disclosed here.
Just as I became somewhat accustomed to hearing and seeing these advertisements a new one has appeared. You may not need these products at all, You may have low "T". Low T can reduce your drive and desire ! As men age there "T" lowers. Wonder if that may be natures way of preventing heart attacks and stroke ? Just sayin'. But do not be concerned there is a topical solution that you can apply to boost your testosterone. Just don't let anyone else in the house come in contact with it. A myriad of serious consequences could follow. Other serious, although somewhat infrequent side effects, may also occur.
I haven't seen any advertisements for new treatments for cancer or other serious conditions. Apparently more research is being done in other areas that make more money for the drug companies. Could it be we have misplaced priorities ? Or is it that we wish to continue to treat those high cost medical conditions rather than cure ? I don't know, I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is...some things are better left in the bedroom...All those commercials give me a headache!
