Sunday, April 14, 2013

Moving forward

Are you sitting still, moving forward or just waiting ? Which is it ? That is a difficult question to answer. When we reach a certain point in our lives we choose one of these actions. The decision is ours to make. There are many variables to take into account. Health and wealth being the primary factors for those that lack spirituality. The spirit is not bound by such mundane things as health or money. Our spirits are free to live, forever. Those fortunate enough to recognize the spirit keep moving forward.
There are those that just sit. They sit and watch the world go by them. For them the world has stopped. It is stuck in place and nothing changes. At least, nothing for the good. All is negative. It is from these people that despair and sorrow comes. They may appear to be active, but do not be deceived, they are still. There is no growth in their thinking. New ideas are rejected and dismissed. What is worse is that these people do not defend their own ideas. They just sit.
Sadder still are those that just wait. In silence they wait. They wait for the end. They wait for the time when mortality meets fate. What does it hold for us ? Waiting for redemption ? Waiting for forgiveness ? Redemption and forgiveness from what ? Sin ? And what is sin ? These are the central questions in life. The mysteries that men seek to solve. But are there answers ? One will not find out unless one keeps moving forward. And to keep moving forward requires spirituality. An awareness of the possible. It is only through the spirit that one can leave this world. This has been evident to man throughout the history. It is what makes man,man. The spirit of man is what drives us forward.
It makes little difference what you call it. Call it religion,call it hope,call it by any name you are comfortable with. You may preach it or practice it in silence. But there is no denying it. To deny the spirit is to deny life. For without spirit, there is no promise. The promise comes with the spirit. Believe in the promise and you can believe in the spirit. What you call that spirit is up to you. Do not make the mistake of sitting still. Should you decide to just wait,what are you waiting for ? Waiting implies a promise of things to come. You must move forward to fulfill that promise. You, and you alone can do that.

1 comment:

  1. A great motivational piece, Ben...and thought provoking, too. Even if our physical forces the sitting at times,there is always the spirit moving within to spur us on to good. That we should not wait for...but get out there and DO! Thanks for a little kick in the pants!
