Sunday, April 21, 2013


It has been said we each have our own cross to bear. The statement rings true. I believe we all have our burdens in this life. It is the way we carry those burdens that define our existence. Do you accept them or reject them ? On the surface of things it would seem casting them off would be the best thing, but that is not so. I believe, in order to succeed one must learn to carry those burdens. The burdens we bear are of our own creation and we alone are responsible for them. Do not press your burdens upon others.
It is true that we are all victims of circumstance. We are subject to the whims of nature and our fellow man. Both can be pleasant, as easily as, tragic. Nature is subject to a higher power than man and cannot be controlled. Our fellow man is subject to his own heart and desires. We can no more control him, than we can control the weather. The only control comes from the person. That is where carrying the burden of life comes in. Those who do not accept that burden, that responsibility, are doomed to failure. Often times they seek this "absence of responsibility" through irresponsible acts. They may gain the attention of the world but in the end, fail. They fail because they can not accept the truth. The truth lies before us all, if we only look for it. That is the "pursuit of happiness" our forefathers spoke of in the Declaration of Independence. Happiness lies in the truth. The truth lies within us all. Sometimes the truth may be disguised. Sometimes the truth becomes blurred. The truth is the burden we carry. You can not disregard the truth. You can not cast it off. You must learn to accept the truth and bear it. The problem lies in the defining of truth. What is your truth ? What is mine ? A central question that has haunted man since the beginning of time. One can alter reality, but not the truth ! Find the truth within yourself and you will have found happiness. Accept the burden you have created for yourself, the rest is just circumstance.

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