Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Off center

I would say that I have been accepting of things,as a whole. Neither passive nor aggressive, more of a middle of the road kinda guy. Never receiving great praise nor great admonishment. Not a great student but an average student. Some of my ancestors were revolutionaries. They actively participated in the American revolution. Others never joined a thing.
In the last few years I would have to say it has become increasingly difficult to remain accepting and silent. I am not pleased with the way things are going in this country. Too many changes in what I perceive to be the American dream. The liberals are taking over the reigns. It is my belief that running a country is like raising a child. Being too liberal fosters bad habits, bad habits lead to dependence. I believe in being independent.
I have always had my opinion and never been afraid to voice it. Taking action upon that opinion has mostly been limited to the voting booth. As an activist I'm not very active. I pretty much think to each their own, but their is a point. When your own begins to infringe upon mine, problems will arise. This has been happening more and more in the last few years. I never expected to have to fight for common sense. And that is what is becoming. I expect that is why I've always been a middle of the roader. I could see the sense in both sides of an argument. That is not the case so much anymore. Others, more able to express their views, have pointed out a few things that are hard to deny. What logic says, you need a signed permission slip to go on a field trip but nothing to buy the morning after pill. I can be arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally. The government wants to take away my ability to defend myself against all enemies,foreign and domestic, but just gave 20 fighter jets to Egypt. And what logic says you can spend your way out of debt ?
I love words and the actions they can inspire. I have been talking and writing for some time now. It may be time to take some action. I'm not talking about a revolution but perhaps speaking a little louder. The squeaky wheel does get the grease. I still believe the majority of the people have good common sense. The challenge lies in getting others to use it. Aristotle said, all things in moderation. That is true, even for an activist ! The Bible speaks of being temperate in all things. My temperature is rising and so I vent. Thanks for listening. 

1 comment:

  1. My temperature hit tilt today; it happens more than it should (probably ought to work on that but it feels good to be alive). I have to agree that the direction of this country in not positive. I've found out late in life here that I am not particularly accepting of things. It turns out the genetics of Irish "revolutionaries" has been part of my makeup all along. My way of dealing with it has been to ignore as much as possible; more difficult every day with what is happening. I might not agree with some of your conclusions but am totally in agreement that the lack of common sense and logic is a big problem. A bigger problem is getting educated to the larger picture. Nothing can be dealt without facts and truth; getting to the bone of a thing without labels is a big problem today. I believe its not a "liberal" or "conservative" approach that is the answer; it's an approach to the facts and truth with proper use of logic and common sense that could resolve issues. Pretty utopian, ain't it ........ ???? Temperance and moderation, eh ..... until it all blows up in our faces !!!! Crazy people running a country with propaganda and corruption from top to bottom won't work in the long or short run.
