Thursday, April 18, 2013

More signs

The elementary school had a " fun night " at the local McDonalds. The teachers and staff worked behind the counter. Naturally we took our Granddaughter as she wanted to be there with her friends. Other than McDonalds doing a booming business, I really didn't see the point in it all, but then, I'm not in elementary school anymore. The place was crowded and the ordering process slow. To top it off there were no soft drinks or ice tea available. Some sort of snafu with the equipment. Nevertheless we ordered a few snacks.
The play place was overrun, as you can well imagine. The lower grades were in their like the proverbial can of sardines. There were not many fourth graders there yet. My granddaughter went into the play place and looked like a giant compared to the others. All those little kids scurrying around and screaming. She just towered over them all and surveyed the scene. Finally locating a few of her friends. We allowed her to visit with them for a short time. Others were supposed to arrive later but we decided to leave.
On the ride home we stopped at the dollar store for a few items. Grandma took Morgan into the store with her. Morgan purchased false fingernails and a hair extension, ponytail thing. After leaving the store Grandma and I mentioned how we thought she was getting too big for the McDonalds play place. Well, she informs us she is not ! She got a little defensive about it. I was amused by this attitude and teased her a little about growing up. She didn't take to it well. She went on to tell us that she can still play in the play place and is not too old. I let the subject drop.
Later on I was watching television and Morgan is sitting on the couch with Grandma. She is applying those false fingernails. She is showing them to me and saying how pretty they look. She had that ponytail thing on too. It was then that I thought how she was in-between. She was becoming just like every other girl I have ever known. You just can't figure them out. A paradox. Not too old for the play place, yet old enough for false fingernails. Dang it, she is growing up. I saw it with Mark (her brother) when he rode his bicycle over to my house all by himself. Now with Morgan I see it with nails and hair. Good grief, should've stayed at McDonalds and the play place.

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