Sunday, April 28, 2013


In light of recent discussions about issues facing the country I have done a lot of thinking. One thing seems to confuse me. Since when does tolerance mean approval ? It is my belief the two words mean entirely different things. I may tolerate you, and your behaviours, but that doesn't mean I approve. How have we arrived at a point where I can not say I don't approve without being labeled a racist,bigot or other uncomplimentary name ? Also I don't get the whole, if you don't agree with me, you're wrong mentality. I will support my ideas and opinions but that doesn't mean I can't listen to yours. Even when I don't admit it out loud, others have had good ideas and influenced me.
I do find it a bit amusing that those on the " cutting " edge today are just saying what most of us are thinking. They are politically incorrect and we laugh nervously at their jokes and observations. Back where I grew up everybody was like that. Even the politicians were honest to a fault back then. Some still are, I think. I must say generalizations can get you into trouble so I had best stay away from them.
It would appear that tolerating you is just not good enough anymore. Now I need to join in whatever you support. I must not speak out in opposition, at least not too loudly, although screaming how right I am is perfectly acceptable. Yes those hot button topics should not be spoken against.
Does tolerance imply approval ? I don't think so. Do I need to state my approval or disapproval of an issue ? The answer is really, no. My approval or disapproval can be voiced at the polls. It just seems to me that we like to relabel things. They are not illegal aliens, they are undocumented workers or in some cases undocumented welfare recipients. Sorry, it is not welfare anymore, it is public assistance. It is not man and wife anymore now we have life partners.
Well, I'm becoming a dinosaur myself and still tend to call things by what they really are. You'll know if I'm just tolerating you and you'll know if I approve by my actions. Inaction on my part usually indicates disapproval. It may be a simple approach but it works for me. 

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